Divine Mercy: reflection of April 7, 2020

When God calls us to carry out some mission, who is at work? God or us? The truth is that we are both at work, God is the source and we are the tool. We make a free effort, but it is God who shines through. Just as a window can act as a light source in the house, it is not the window that shines, it is the sun. In the same way, we must surrender to God so that it shines in us, but we must always remember that we are only a window through which God will shine in our world (See Diary n. 438).

Do you want God to shine through you brilliantly? Do you want his love rays to radiate and illuminate others? If you do, then humble yourself so that you can become His instrument of grace. Recognize that you are nothing but an instrument, not the source. Be open to the Source of all Grace and it will shine with great power and splendor.

Lord, I offer myself to you as a window for your merciful Heart. Shine through me, dear Lord. That I can be a true instrument of your grace and that I can always remember that only you and you are the source of all grace and mercy. Jesus I believe in you.