Divine Mercy: reflection of 1 April 2020

Often, our days are full of activity. Families are often occupied by one event or another. Chores and work can pile up and we can find out, at the end of the day, that we had little time to pray to God in solitude. But loneliness and prayer can sometimes happen during our busy day. Although it is important to look for times when we can be alone with God, giving him our full attention, we should also look for opportunities to pray, inwardly, in the midst of our busy life (See Diary no. 401).

Do you find that your life is full of activities? Do you find that you are often too busy to run away and pray? While this isn't ideal, it can be resolved by looking for opportunities in your business. During a school event, while driving, while cooking or cleaning, we always have the opportunity to raise the mind and heart to God in prayer. Remind yourself today that you can pray during most times of the day. Constantly praying in this way can provide the loneliness you so desperately need.

Lord, I wish to be in your presence all day. I wish to see you and love you always. Help me to pray you, in the middle of my business, so that I can always be in your company. Jesus I believe in you.