Women increasingly oppressed by the Taliban, the regulation of universities

Le Afghan women they are beginning to feel the first signs of their suffering after that the Taliban they took power and the US military left the country.

The situation of women of Afghan origin begins to worsen little by little, through the first impositions on them and the reports of the experiences of many emigrants in the United States.

As expected, Afghan women represent the most vulnerable group after the extremist Islamic regime has taken power in the country: their rights are constantly being violated at exorbitant and worrying levels.

In Afghanistan. , the Taliban recently granted women permission to attend university but they must do so by wearing the niqab.

This garment covers most of their faces, although it is less restrictive than the burqa. In addition to this, the classes must be separated from those of men, or at least divided by a curtain.

Through a long explanatory document, issued by the Taliban education authority, it is also made clear that Afghan women will only receive lessons taught by other women; which, according to experts, is extremely complicated, due to the lack of teachers to cover school fees.

If this is not possible to the extent stipulated, older and more respectable men will be able to teach women. Added to this is the fact that women will have to leave the classroom before men so as not to be encountered in the corridors.

The new regulation was made public last Saturday, August 4, indicating that the use of the burqa is not mandatory, but the niqab is black.

Although many women remained in Afghanistan, the suffering and pain also reached those who left their country to find refuge in countries like the United States.

Various US officials have made a sad discovery, confirming that underage Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as "wives" of much older men. Many of these girls were forced to marry after being raped by their current husbands.