After several attempts to get pregnant, she hears the voice of God urging her to adopt a child

This is the beautiful story of one pair very believer who, failing to have children, adopts a child, giving him a new home and a new life.

couple with baby

The theme of adoptions has always struck and divided opinions. Many children, perhaps too many, due to a series of bureaucratic technicalities, remain in institutions, without being able to enjoy the love and warmth that only a family can give.

Keisha and Landon they are a couple of very religious people. Keisha has always had a desire to become mum, but after various attempts and drugs he had preferred to give up rather than try the road of persistence.

Keyla and Landon
credit:keishwa instagram photo

One day by chance a friend of hers, completely unaware of the problem, sends the couple a text message with theimage of a child, asking them if they would like to adopt him. The couple remains very perplexed and begins to explore this new path and this new possibility.

Confused about what to do, they relied on God, hoping that he would dissolve their doubts and show them the way to go.

And it was just like that, God listened to them and on an ordinary day in a supermarket he made them meet the very child in the photo.

Happy family
credit:keishwa instagram photo

AJ has his new family thanks to God's sign

Now there were no more doubts, the right thing to do was to adopt that child. In October of 2019, AJ, this is his name, becomes part of the new family. A year will have to pass before Keisha and Landon can finally adopt him, but they will fight with all their strength to keep that gift from God with them.

Talking about signs and you turn to God for a signal, something tangible to make a decision, it's hard to believe it will happen. But all of us, at least once in our lives, have been able or wanted to see those signs that showed us the right way. Believing and fighting for love will always be the right way to go.