Where you see evil you have to make the sun rise

Dear friend, sometimes it happens that among the various events of our life we ​​find ourselves encountering unpleasant people often avoided by everyone. You, my friend, do not follow what others are doing, do not judge people, do not exclude anyone from your life, but welcome everyone, even those people who are sometimes seen as benevolent in the eyes of the people and promise yourself:


But who is this sun?

The sun is Jesus Christ. He is the one who changes people, he helps every man, he makes the difference, he changes the wrong thoughts and attitudes of people. So dear friend, don't waste time judging and criticizing but spend your time announcing the one who is everything, the one who can save. But if you don't announce Jesus how people can know him? How can they change and learn its teachings? So do not waste time chatting as most people ready to criticize the attitudes of others do but you announce the teaching of Jesus and do not fear, thanks to you God recovers a lost son.

I'll tell you a story. A young man sowed terror in his country in harming others, extorting money illegally, addicted to drugs and alcohol and devoid of conscience. All this until a man instead of criticizing his attitudes as others did decided to make Jesus known to him, his teaching, his peace, his forgiveness. This young day by day deepened more and more until it changed completely. This young man is now a consecrated person who proclaims the Gospel in his parish, there was evil in his life now the sun has risen.
What changed that young man's life?
A simple man who instead of doing like the others, then criticizing his behavior, has decided to make him known Jesus and has positively changed his person.

So now, dear friend, promise yourself to be a source of heat, to make the sun rise in men's lives. Often we can meet people in the family, at work, among friends, who often cause harm to others with their behavior, so you become a source of grace for these people, a source of salvation. Announce Jesus, the author of life and have his teachings imitated. Only in this way will your soul shine before the eyes of God. And as you recover the person from his evil behavior and give birth to the sun in his life, so God equally fills you with graces and makes your soul become light, for the people and for Heaven.

Now do you understand what it means to be alone for others? Do you understand that evil is simply an absence of God?

So dear friend, make a commitment to make God present in human life. Leave the dogmas of this world alone where you are ready to judge and condemn but you see your neighbor as God sees him, love him equally and seek peace with that man and his salvation.

Only by doing so are you imitating the teaching of your master Jesus who died on the cross for you and forgave his executioners.

Committed to making the sun rise where there is evil. Promise yourself to focus on changing people and not criticizing them.

"Whoever saves a soul has ensured his". So said Saint Augustine and I now want to remind you.

By Paolo Tescione