This is what my funeral day will be like (by Paolo Tescione)

We are used to organizing parties, events, festivals but we all leave out the most important day of our life: the day of our funeral. Many are afraid of that day, they don't even want to think about it and therefore wait for others to do for them on that day. We must all consider that day as a special day, a unique day.

This is what my funeral day will be like.

I recommend you do not come home amid tears, moans and kisses of condolences but let's meet directly in Church as we do every Sunday to celebrate the day of the Lord Jesus. Then when you choose my coffin where my humble body will rest you don't spend three thousand, four thousand euros but only a hundred are enough. All you need is a wooden container to rest my body on, the rest of the money you have to spend on my funeral, give it to those who need it and follow the Christian teaching of Jesus. the twinkling of bells throughout the city and not saddening my fellow citizens with those poor bells with melodic sounds but it rings for hours on end. Then do not put the purple vestments as penance but use the white ones like the Sunday ones you remember on the day of the Resurrection. I recommend you dear priest when you make a homily do not say it was this or it was that but speak of the Gospel as you always do. At the mass of my funeral the most important person is always Jesus and I am not the protagonist on that day. I recommend flowers do not make those architectural crowns and do not dispense my funeral from flowers but adorn the Church in spring with large, colorful and fragrant flowers. Then in the city put posters with the inscription "he was born in Heaven" and not "passed away".

If I had invited you to a one-day party like when I did for my wedding, graduation or birthdays, you were all happy and happy now that I invite you to my funeral, the party that lasts all eternity, cry. but what are you crying? Don't you know that I live? Don't you know that I stand beside you and watch your every step? You do not see me and therefore you are saddened by my absence but I who am in the love of my God am happy. In fact, I think of you how you stay on Earth when true joy is here.

This is the day of my funeral. Not a cry, not a departure, not an end but the beginning of a new life, eternal life. The day of my funeral will be a party where everyone must be happy for my birth in heaven and not cry for my end on Earth. The day of my funeral will not be the last day as you see it but it will be the first day, the beginning of something that will never end.