Here is the result of the DNA, the media looting ended

Here is the result of the DNA: Update 15:19 After the media looting, the DNA of the Russian girl does not correspond to Piera Maggio, she is not Denise Pipitone

Article written 9:00 am What is happening in Russia. The story is holding everyone in suspense, but from Russia the situation is making Piera Maggio and her lawyer nervous. Is Olesya Rostova really Denise Pipitone?

Denise Pipitone

From Russia the information that leaks is few and fragmentary. So much so that the fateful broadcast should have been broadcast today. In which the girl's attorney would read the results of the blood type, but suddenly she was postponed.

What is happening in Russia: transmission postponed

Case Denise Pipitone, the yellow of DNA: Russian TV postpones the solution to the broadcast of the broadcast
The episode was recorded but the embargo on the truth is total. Two countries, Italy and Russia, with bated breath with Piera Maggio and Olesya Rostova.

Denise Pipitone

Tv1 recorded the episode of “Let them talk”, which will be broadcast on Wednesday. He wants to raise the suspense by asking all the participants, even other Eastern European women who are looking for their daughter. To keep the secret of what will be revealed in the course of the broadcast. We got a lot of news about Denise's situation from the well-known magazine

Here is the result of the DNA: The decisive confrontation: Olesya Rostova is Denise Pipitone? The one said yesterday