Catholic education the first form of education

Catholic education remains the first form of education in pedagogy, a science that studies education from the earliest years of school. This science focuses on an education that is not only cultural but also social and psychological in collaboration with the family. Through some orientation studies done on this type of instruction, it appears that a first way of educating a child is to approach God, or better to follow Jesus in his works and teachings. America also supports the dedication of Catholic schools believing that it is an "Academic Excellence" a way to guarantee a long and bright future for the young people of the new millennium. Bishop Michael Barber, president of the Catholic Education Committee, writes: “Catholic schools are a unique gift for the nation.

Religious institutes are a mix of information, education, and culture, all based on love and education. They were also able to face the discomfort caused by the pandemic with strength, they guaranteed excellent training during the first phase of lockdown, despite the videolessons, and in the summer they worked to guarantee the return to school in presence, adopting all the safety systems for the students, a great recognition and an important support, “The House of Representatives supports Catholic schools, is an important formation“ not only for the future career ”of the students, but also for their soul.