List of things to do in Ramadan

During Ramadan, there are many things you can do to increase the strength of your faith, stay healthy and participate in community activities. Follow this list of things to do to make the most of the holy month.

Read the Quran every day

We should always read from the Qur'an, but during the month of Ramadan we should read much more than usual. It should be at the center of our worship and effort, with time for both reading and reflection. The Quran is divided into sections to facilitate the rhythm and complete the whole Quran by the end of the month. If you can read more of this though, good for you!

Participate in Du'a and the remembrance of Allah

"Go to" Allah all day, every day. Fai du'a: remember his blessings, repent and ask for forgiveness for your shortcomings, seek a guide for the decisions of your life, ask for mercy for your loved ones and more. Du'a can be done in your language, in your own words, or you can turn to the Quran and Sunnah champions.

Maintain and build relationships

Ramadan is an experience of bonding with the community. Across the world, beyond national borders and linguistic or cultural barriers, Muslims of all types are fasting together during this month.

Join others, meet new people and spend time with your loved ones you haven't seen in a while. There are great benefits and mercy in spending time visiting relatives, the elderly, the sick and alone. Contact someone every day!

Think and improve yourself

This is the time to reflect on yourself as a person and identify areas in need of change. We all make mistakes and develop bad habits. Do you tend to talk a lot about other people? Telling white lies when it's equally easy to tell the truth? Do you turn your eyes when you should look down? Get angry quickly? Do you sleep regularly through Fajr prayer?

Be honest with yourself and make an effort to make only one change during this month. Don't get overwhelmed by trying to change everything at once, as it will be much more difficult to maintain. The prophet Muhammad advised us that small improvements, made constantly, are better than large failed attempts. So start with a change, then go from there.

Give to charity

It doesn't have to be money. Maybe you can go through your closets and donate quality used clothing. Or spend a few hours of volunteering helping a local community organization. If you usually make Zakat payments during Ramadan, do some calculations now to find out how much you need to pay. The research approved Islamic charities that can use donations for the needy.

Avoid wasting time with frivolities

There are many distractions that waste time around us, during Ramadan and throughout the year. From "Ramadan soap operas" to sales of purchases, we could literally spend hours doing nothing but spending - our time and money - on things that don't benefit us.

During the month of Ramadan, try to limit your schedule to allow more time for worship, reading the Qur'an, and fulfilling more of the other items on the "to-do list". Ramadan only comes once a year and we never know when it will be our last.