Former Satanist warns of Halloween danger


A national newspaper published the testimony of a woman who confesses to having made a cult in a satanic sect and warns against the dangers of celebrating Halloween or the night of the witches.
The newspaper "El Norte" reports the statements of Cristina Kneer Vidal, an ex-occultist, ex-Satanist and spiritualist of American origin who lives in Hermosillo, Sonora, who says she is very worried that every 31 October and dozens of young people and children come killed all over Mexico by satanic sects.
Cristina Kneer Vidal asked the families to take care of their children, there would be around 1.500 "Satan worshipers" in the country, which are mainly distributed in cities like Guadalajara, Monterrey, Mexico. Cristina says: "I don't want to scare anyone, everyone is free to believe what they want, but my words must be taken into consideration, at least I ask you to listen to me, think and decide".
According to Kneer, "thousands of people have unknowingly adopted a satanic practice [Halloween] and are therefore propitiating the growth of Satanism in Mexico, especially in large cities such as Guadalajara and Monterrey."
The newspaper "El Norte" says that Cristina Kneer spent a lot of time close to Satanism, met the evil and wickedness of many Satanists with whom she lived and says: "These are little-known subjects, I practiced meditation and still now I I regret it, I have come to detest God ”.
According to Kneer, Satanism exists all over the world and its practice is as old as the worship of God. "The ambitious", she notes, "signed a pact with the devil in exchange for wealth and power and offered in return their soul ". Cristina Kneer says: “'They pay a terrible price; they will never get to peace and they are also punished brutally even after their death "and warns that" recognizing a Satanist is very difficult because they are politicians, artists, public officials or merchants who enjoy prestige "but adds" This does not mean that all politicians are Satanists. " Kneer also claims that on dates such as Halloween [October 31], Satanists do the "black mass" and explains that "Mass is to officiate in the field or in heavily protected closed buildings and start with the evocation of Satan which often does not appear because, unlike God, it cannot be everywhere “. Halfway through the "mass", she says, animals like cats, dogs are slaughtered, and when "mass" is very important, like Halloween, human sacrifices are made. For Kneer “children are preferably chosen because they have not sinned and are preferred by God; before slaughter they are violated to deprive of their purity ". According to Kneer, insulting or injuring a child gives Satan's power to the Satanist and is a way to make fun of God. For Kneer, satanic celebrations are always held on eight different dates, although the most important is the feast of Samhain or Halloween on October 31 celebrating the Satanic New Year, he explains, "It's like the Devil's birthday." "The victims," ​​says Kneer, "were sacrificed, taking away the heart that is consumed by those present, then the body is cremated and thrown overboard." Kneer says, "It is very easy for Satanists to get rid of bodies because those who do the black mass are very important."
We warn that on Halloween night many Satanists hide in the sweets and fruit they give to children: knives, drugs, poison or nails.
Currently, Kneer and the other women who participated in satanic cults have formed a group called SAL which aims to send the Satanists a message of hope and a request to stop doing harm. Kneer says: "Any Satanist who reads this information and wishes to reject or abandon Satanism can with the help of God, as we did,"
