Face to face with Jesus

My dear Jesus I am in front of you. In my hands I have a prayer book with pure beautiful texts but I close it and I express to you in my own words what I have in my heart.

I would love, my dear Jesus, to be with you every day. I would like to hear your heart beat, your presence, I would like to pray to you and listen to your voice. But work, family, business, commitments, take me away from you and when I get tired in the evening I just have to think about you and ask for your help for the following day.

Then Jesus look at my many sins. I realize that I am the worst of your children. But they spoke to me of mercy, forgiveness, mercy, compassion. I myself, reading your Gospel, saw how you preached forgiveness and helped sinners. My dear Jesus also helps me. Life often leads us to be what we are not but you who know the heart of every man and now you see my heart you know that I am looking for you to ask for mercy. My dear Jesus, have mercy on me and erase all my faults and like the repentant thief, take me to Heaven with you.

My dear Jesus I am afraid. I'm afraid of losing, I'm afraid of losing you. All my life hangs has a thread. All that I have, that I possess, all that you have given me is hung by a thread. Please Jesus take care of me as you have done so far, as you have always done. I had nothing without you, everything comes from you and you stay close to me, look at me and tell me what I have to give.
My Jesus I am afraid of losing you. I don't want to stay away from you among the various events in life. You are my whole existence. Even if during the day I do various things the center of everything is you my dear and loved Jesus. Please make sure that I can always have you as a reference and everything I have, that I do, comes from you and not from the spirit of the world that gives me nothing.

In the end Jesus had to tell you my evening prayers as I always do with my book but today I decided to stay face to face with you. And for this I want to tell you, I love you. Even if it doesn't seem, even if I don't wear cassocks, even if I don't pray a lot and I don't do charity works, even if I'm not an example of a Christian, my dear Jesus I love you. I love you only because I love you. There is no reason in me and there never was but in the depths of my heart this strong feeling of love for you arises. And even if you now tell me that I am one step away from hell, before I enter the eternal fire, I ask you for one last hug, one last greeting. Only in this way could I enter hell with the quiet that while staying away from you I love you forever.

My dear Jesus but I don't want hell I want you, your person, your presence, your love. I want your forgiveness. I want to be the adulteress, the good thief, the lost sheep, zacchaeus, the prodigal son. I want to be loved by you. And I am happy with the guilt committed that generated your forgiveness, your love for me.

Forever together Jesus. These are phrases that we humans often say to loved ones such as children, parents, wives. But now I always say to you together Jesus. I say this phrase to you because everything I have comes from you and you are the only one for me, of all that I desire for the eternal. I love you Jesus forever together.

Written by Paolo Tescione