Christian family forced to dig up the body of a relative shortly after burying it

A group of armed villagers in India forced a Christian family to unearth one of their deceased relatives just two days after he was buried.

Christian family persecuted in India

A 25-year-old man died of malaria in a village in the district of Bastar on 29 October he was unearthed by his family two days after he was buried. What forced family members to do this was the religious intolerance of the residents of their community.

To testify of the happened is Samson Baghel, pastor of a local Methodist church: 'When the family asked the crowd where they should bury Laxman, the crowd told them to take him wherever they wanted, but they would not allow a Christian to remain buried in the village. '

About 50 villagers had requested the exhumation of the body to be buried in the village of the shepherd Baghel: an act of persecution even towards a lifeless body.

The government was forced to allocate a plot of land near the village crematorium for Christian burials, he said. Sitaram Markam, the brother of the deceased. 

Although the dispute was resolved by the authorities, the villagers wasted no time in threatening the resident Christians and the pastor Baghel: 'Do not come back', these are the words, these are the declarations of the Methodist pastor.

Asian countries such asIndia - in recent years - they have become persecutory nations in terms of the Christian faith. According to the organization's 2021 global checklist Open doors, India ranks XNUMXth.

We want to leave you with this reflection: Before His suffering and death on the cross, Jesus Christ comforted His disciples in fear and despair with His words: 'I have said these things to you so that you may have peace in me. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world ', John 16:33.

'Be patient in tribulation' exhorts the word of God, 'Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse', are the words of the Letter in Romans 12.