Family receives a miracle at the tomb of John Paul II

Today we will tell you a touching story featuring a family who experienced an extraordinary miracle right on the tomb of John Paul II.


Pope John Paul II was the 264esimo Pope of the Catholic Church and bishop of Rome, elected Pope on 16 October 1978 and it was until the last day of his life, the 2 April 2005.

Five years ago, one Brazilian family decided to go to Italy to participate in a meeting of the Cenacolo Community. With them they also brought the 12 children, 6 born to the couple and 6 adopted. Family has always been a lot devout to Giovanni Paoli II who seems to have had an important role in their life. So, before returning home, they decided to visit the tomb of the Holy Father in Rome to thank him.

John Paul II listens to the family's prayers

Once they arrived at the tomb they asked their children to thank him in their own way, making a special prayer. After leaving the Vatican and getting on the bus, the parents asked their children what they had prayed to John Paul II. All together they reported asking a little sister.

father and son

John Paul II must have listened to the prayers of the little ones because, afterwards six months Maria Chiara was born. The little girl was born exactly on 2th April, the day of the Pope's death. To thank the Pope, who once again had played a fundamental role in their life, by giving him their splendid creature, the parents named the little girl Chiara, meaning light.

But the story doesn't end there, because three months ago another little brother also arrived, Federico, a child special born with the down syndrome. After the birth of the little one, the parents tried to learn as much as possible about people affected by this syndrome, to ensure their child had all the care and attention he needed.

The parents claim that Federico came for purify their love. They are certain that they witnessed a miracle and for this they will continue to thank Pope John Paul II for the rest of their lives.