Christian Faith - What Is Forgiveness?

Christian faith: what is the forgiveness? I am forgiven for mine sins? For those of others towards me? Good! surely these are questions that we Christians have asked ourselves many times! For the Christian Faith, forgiveness is one of the most important topics that every person will have to face in his life regardless of religion, race, and culture.

We can consider more a discourse of personal conscience that goes beyond Christianity. First, we must strive to forgive others. Resentment, pain, sadness, hatred and other associated emotions that result from broken relationships destroy people's lives. Jesus is challenging each of us to look at his life and imitate his desire to love people, even those who or important distinctions need to be made in this discussion.

So I can be forgiven Jesus says only if we can forgive others. After we are hurt by others, we will probably always remember what happened. Jesus says that: rememberi need to be healed through the understanding that comes only by constantly working to forgive someone: "I was hurt by someone who was hurting himself ... " thanks to our willingness to forgive. It's not about letting people take advantage of us. But it is a sense of responsibility towards our neighbor as Jesus suggests in the Holy Scriptures.

Christian Faith - What Is Forgiveness? Why is it a tool?

Christian Faith - What Is Forgiveness? Why is it a tool? Jesus makes us reflect on this point: forgiveness is one tool to heal relationships, not a tool to allow bad relationships to continue. This reality does not mean that we should turn away from the people who hurt us, especially those we love and have committed ourselves to in our lives. However, we need to decide carefully how forgiveness will help the relationship grow, not degenerate. We live in a polarized society that always seems ready to judge, condemn and isolate. Christian faith suggests that the only true antidote is the willingness to forgive.