Foggia: coma comes out "death doesn't exist, I'll tell you about God and Heaven"

The story that we tell you sent by a reader of our blog in Foggia tells an episode that happened to a friend of hers where she tells us that after the end of our life, after death, life continues in a new creation with God and in Paradise .

To tell us this Maria, 47 years old from Foggia.

"While like every day I did my daily chores, the children had gone to school and my husband at work I have an illness, I can only warn my sister-in-law and an hour later I find myself on a hospital bed for an aneurysm. I lose consciousness for the next few hours but while everyone sees me standing in a bed I live one of the most beautiful moments of my life, I live in Paradise and I have seen God ”.

Maria still tells us “the place was spacious, everyone was happy, I saw a great light like the Sun that gave me love and guided me step by step. In that place I had the feeling that negative feelings like anger, fear, were not there. Then after I woke up on the hospital bed in fact while I was in that place a person came close to me saying 'now it's time to go back'. "

With this testimony Mary claims to have seen God and Heaven.

Jesus let me know who you are
Lord Jesus, let me know who you are. It makes my heart feel the holiness that is in you.
Arrange for me to see the glory of your face.

From your being and your word, from your acting and your design, let me derive the certainty that truth and love are within my reach to save me.

You are the way, the truth and the life. You are the principle of the new creation.

Give me the courage to dare. Make me aware of my need for conversation, and allow it to take it seriously, in the reality of everyday life.

And if I recognize myself, unworthy and sinner, give me your mercy. Give me the loyalty that persists and the trust that always begins, every time everything seems to fail