Lightning flashes the name of Jesus in the sky, the VIDEO goes around the world

A man filmed lightning in the Philippines who shaped the name of Jesus (Jesus). He realized this when he looked at what he had recorded.

Jesstine Mateo Nile, who lives in Nueva Ecija in the Philippines, shared her discovery on Facebook on 10 July.

He wrote: “I had the opportunity to witness the storm last night. For the first time, I saw incessant lightning. Since it wasn't raining, I had the chance to film the phenomenon. After watching the videos, I noticed something and put them together ”.

He concluded his release with the lines of the song “Still” (Miran) performed by the Hillsong group: “When the oceans rise and the thunder roars, I will raise the storm with you. Father, you are the king over the flood. I will remain calm knowing that you are God ”.

The footage in which the lightning bolt formed the name of Jesus quickly grabbed public attention and went viral on social media.

First the lightning formed the letter "J", and then the second "E". A few seconds later, the appearance of an S-shaped flash, followed by another that resembled the letter U. Finally, the last flash like the letter "S" which thus seemed to create the name of JESUS.

Although some have commented that they do not believe the video to be true, it is worth mentioning the verses from Psalm 19: 2-4: “The heavens tell of the glory of God and the firmament heralds the work of his hands. 2 One day he speaks to another, one night he communicates knowledge to the other. 3 They have no speech, no words; their voice is not heard, 4 but their sound spreads throughout the earth, their accents reach to the ends of the world ”.

Source: Medjugorje-News.