Jesus fights for you, what are you doing for him?

You've heard it many times before but have you really ever wondered what it means? Jesus fights always for you, he knows you as you really are and doesn't judge you. He loves you and wants to guide you on the right path. He sacrificed his life for you. For you he wins battles every day, trying to accompany you in life and be close to you in times of need and moments of happiness.

face Jesus

"The Lord will fight for you, and you will be calm". The Holy Bible - Exodus 14:14 (KJV). We often admire people who don't give up easily and are willing to stand up and fight for what they believe in. We appreciate theirs tenacity, force e Resilience while opposing other people and groups who confront them. At some point in life, everyone finds themselves having to stand up for themselves and what they believe in. Jesus fights for you, you have to trust him.


However, all too often we fight when it's not needed. Instead of trying to make things happen on our own, we can relax e allow God to open the door in front of us. We don't have to fight everyone we meet, bringing out the worst in us. We must try to overcome everything we encounter, facing people and hostile things with the help of Jesus.

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Jesus fights for you, entrust yourself to him

Sometimes we have to realize the power that comes from stay still. We have to stop fighting and try to make things happen on their own and allow a God to fight for us and to do to happen the things. We are not alone and we do not have to face life alone.

Today, let your Father win the battle for you. Pray like this: “Sir, I'm tired of the battles of life. Thank you for fighting for me, protecting me and defending me from my enemies. I rest in your strength, allowing you to fight for me ".