Jesus is beside you waiting for you to look for him

Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a pillow. They woke him up and said, "Master, don't you care that we're dying?" He woke up, scolded the wind and said to the sea: “Calm down! Stand still! ”The wind stopped and there was a great calm. Mark 4: 38-39

And there was a great calm! Yes, this is a reference to the quiet of the sea, but it is a message spoken about the tumult that we sometimes face in life. Jesus wants to bring great calm into our lives.

It is so easy to get discouraged in life. It is so easy to focus on the chaos around us. Whether it's a harsh and pungent word from another, a family problem, civil unrest, financial worries, etc., there are many reasons why each of us falls into the trap of fear, frustration, depression and anxiety.

But it was for this reason that Jesus allowed this event to take place with His disciples. He got on the boat with his disciples and allowed them to experience a violent storm while he slept, so that he could bring a clear and convincing message from this experience for all of us.

In this story, the disciples focused on one thing: they were dying! The sea was launching them and they feared an imminent disaster. But through it all, Jesus was there sleeping soundly, waiting for him to wake up. And when they woke him up, he took control of the storm and brought perfect calm.

The same is true in our lives. We are so easily shaken by the stress and difficulties of everyday life. So often we let ourselves be overwhelmed by the problems we face. The key is to turn your eyes on Jesus. See him there, in front of you, sleeping and waiting for you to awaken him. It is always there, always waiting, always ready.

Waking up our Lord is as simple as looking away from the stormy sea and trusting in his divine presence. It's about trust. Total and unshakable trust. Do you trust him?

Reflect today on what causes you daily anxiety, fear or confusion. What seems to throw you here and there causing you stress and worries? As you see this burden, you also see Jesus there with you, waiting for you to come to him with confidence so that he can take control of every situation in life in which you find yourself. He loves you and will really take care of you.

Lord, I turn to you in the midst of life's challenges and I wish to wake you up to come to my aid. I know you are always close, waiting for me to trust you in all things. Help me turn my eyes on you and have faith in your perfect love for me. Jesus I believe in you.