Jesus speaks of the power of priestly blessing to a mystic


“Dear daughter, I want to teach you to receive My Blessing with fervor. Try to understand that something big happens when you receive the blessing from one of my priests. The blessing is an overflow of my Divine Holiness. Open your soul and let it become holy through my blessing. It is heavenly dew for the soul, through which everything that is done can be fruitful. Through the power to bless, I have given the priest the power to open the treasure of My Heart and to pour a rain of graces on souls.

When the priest blesses, I bless. Then an endless stream of graces flows from My Heart to the soul until it is completely filled. In conclusion, keep your heart open so as not to lose the benefit of the blessing. Through my blessing you receive the grace of love and help for the soul and body. My Holy Blessing contains all the help that is necessary for humanity. Through it you are given the strength and desire to seek good, to escape evil, to enjoy the protection of My children against the powers of darkness. It is a great privilege when you are allowed to receive the blessing. You cannot understand how much mercy comes to you through him. Therefore never receive the blessing in a flat or absent-minded way, but with all your full attention !! You are poor before receiving the blessing, you are rich after receiving it.

It pains me that the blessing of the Church is so little appreciated and so rarely received. Goodwill is strengthened through it, initiatives receive my particular Providence, weakness is strengthened by my Power. Thoughts and intentions are spiritualized and all bad influences neutralized. I have given my Blessing boundless powers: it comes from the Infinite Love of my Sacred Heart. The greater the zeal with which the blessing is given and received, the greater its effectiveness. Whether a child is blessed or the whole world is blessed, the blessing is far greater than 1000 worlds.

Reflect that God is immense, infinitely immense. How small things are in comparison! And the same happens, whether only one, or that many receive the blessing: this does not matter because I give each one according to the measure of his faith! And since I am infinitely rich in all goods, you are allowed to receive without measure. Your hopes are never too big, everything will exceed your deepest expectations! My daughter, protect those who give you the blessing! Highly esteem blessed things, so you will please Me, your God. Whenever you are blessed, you are united more closely to Me, sanctified again, healed and protected by the Love of my Sacred Heart. Often I keep the results of my Blessing hidden so that they are known only in eternity. Blessings often seem to have failed, but their influence is wonderful; apparently unsuccessful results are also a blessing obtained through the Holy Blessing; these are the mysteries of my Providence which I do not wish to manifest. My blessings many times produce effects unknown to the soul. Therefore have great confidence in this overflowing of My Sacred Heart and reflect seriously on this favor (what the apparent results are hidden from you).

Receive the Holy Blessing sincerely because its graces only enter the humble heart! Recede it with good will and with the intention of becoming better, then it will penetrate the depth of your heart and produce its effects. Be a daughter of the blessing, then you, yourself will be a blessing for others. "