Jesus speaks about abortion and the moral evils of today's world

We offer you some messages of Jesus received in the 70s by Msgr. Ottavio Michelini concerning in particular abortion. We believe that they can be a starting point for reflection for those - unfortunately also among Catholics - who view abortion as a… venial sin if not even as an admissible and justifiable practice!

Let us pray for all those who have stained themselves with this very serious crime against God and man!

“Modern progress is the deadly weapon with which Satan removes souls and souls from the sources of living water, to bring them and then abandon them in a desert to die of thirst.

Whoever had to warn the souls of the baptized from this grave danger, let himself be dazzled too.

Without resisting and warning the flock of the very serious danger they were facing, he followed the Enemy, who was thus able to remove flocks and shepherds from the light of faith.

To show you how true this is seems superfluous to me; who does not see the family desecrated and disordered today?

Who does not see the school today, from a sanctuary transformed into an infernal bedlam where, under the pretext of progress and the evolution of the times, children are officially initiated into sin?

Who does not see how cinema and television have become chairs with millions and millions of pupils who greedily absorb lessons in violence, crime, adultery.

They are chairs from which the poison of atheism is inculcated in all hours of the day and night with news liars, with films that exalt divorce and abortion, with insinuating songs of free love and sensuality. Immodesty is enhanced and glorified through nudism, the immorality of customs. The spread of errors of all kinds is welcomed daily as a conquest of freedom. [...] "(Message of Jesus of December 2, 1975)

"[...] The men of this generation, in their ridiculous and childish pride, have lost their sense of good and evil, are legalizing crime: divorce, abortion, abnormal marriages, de facto polygamy, etc.

They try to justify all kinds of evil. Man ignores his dignity as a child of God, ignores and denies himself. This has led to atheism, both theoretical and practical, spread all over the world. [...] "(Message of Jesus of December 31, 1975)

"[...] I want to talk to you about abortion, an abominable birth of minds frozen by Satan in hatred against God and against man.

To the proponents of this law, whose cruelty is not inferior to that of Herod, it does not matter the inhuman slaughter of millions of innocent and defenseless creatures, it does not matter to break the harmony of creation. One thing matters to them: to give vent to the unquenchable hatred against God and against the custodians of the law of God.

It is impressive that the creators of this conspiracy, made against God (because this is the main motive of those who fight for the legalization of abortion), have found many allies. They have become multitudes divorced from God and routed on the crime route.

In the midst of these, you see not without horror some of my priests, even some shepherd who, camouflaged, makes himself small so as not to be discovered. In vain, because one day, that great day of bitter tears, I will accuse them before all humanity for having lent themselves to the implementation of an unfair plan of Hell.