Jesus explains to Padre Pio what the Holy Mass really is


Jesus explains the Holy Mass to Padre Pio: in the years between 1920 and 1930 Padre Pio received important indications from Jesus Christ regarding the Mass and its meaning. First of all, Jesus Christ confirmed His real, non-symbolic presence, within each celebration, he asked the faithful to return to live the experience of the Mass as an extraordinary gift to attend with the eyes of true Faith. Only thanks to them can we look at what really happens.

And Padre Pio had those eyes. It is no coincidence that every witness who attended a Mass celebrated by Padre Pio reports on the great emotion of the friar at every moment of the Holy Mass. This emotion reached tears at the moment of the Eucharist, when Jesus showered the celebrant with his Love, who literally annihilated himself to make room in his body for the Son of God.

This was exactly what Jesus asked him, who spoke to Padre Pio about the immense privilege reserved for every priest: welcoming Jesus in that way was not possible even to Mary, His Mother and Mother of all of us; and if the most important Seraphim Angels had found themselves serving Mass, they would not have been worthy of being next to the priest at that wonderful moment of the Eucharist. This is Jesus' explanation to Padre Pio about the Holy Mass.

The Host is Jesus himself, humiliated for the whole human race. The Chalice is Jesus Himself, who brings His blood back to men, nourished with every promise of Salvation. It is for this reason that Jesus, turning to Padre Pio, confesses his disappointment to how much men know how to reveal themselves not only ungrateful, but worse, indifferent towards his sacrifice and his reliving it every day, in every Mass.

The Altar, according to the explanation that Jesus provides to the friar of Pietrelcina, is the summary of two fundamental places in the life of Jesus, Getzemani and Calvary: the Altar is the place where Jesus Christ lives. It should arouse particular emotions, as when we imagine to retrace the same paths in Palestine that Jesus followed two thousand years ago. Why project these emotions on the past, when you can have Jesus in front of you in every hour, in every church?

“Bring your hearts to the holy corporal that supports My Body; dive into that divine Chalice which contains My Blood. It is there that Love will hold the Creator, the Redeemer, your Victim close to your spirits; it is there that you will celebrate My glory in the infinite humiliation of Myself. Come to the Altar, look at Me, think intensely of Me ".