A few days at Christmas. Invoke Baby Jesus and ask for what you want

O Holy Child Jesus, I unite heartily to the devoted shepherds who adored You in the crib and to the Angels who glorify You in Heaven.

0 divine baby Jesus, I adore your cross and accept what you will like to send me.

Adorable Family, I offer you all the adorations of the Most Holy Heart of the Child Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Saint Joseph.

- our Father (to honor Baby Jesus)

- "The Word became flesh - and lived among us".

- 4 Ave Maria (in memory of the first 4 years of Jesus' childhood)

- our Father (to honor the Most Holy Virgin Mary)

- "The Word became flesh - and lived among us"

- 4 Ave Maria (in memory of the next 4 years of Jesus' childhood)

- our Father (to honor Saint Joseph)

- "The Word became flesh - and lived among us"

- Ave Maria (in memory of the last 4 years of Jesus' childhood)


Lord Jesus, conceived of the Holy Spirit, You wanted to be born of the Blessed Virgin, to be circumcised, manifested to the Gentiles and presented to the temple, to be brought to Egypt and spend a part of your childhood here; thence, return to Nazareth and appear in Jerusalem as a prodigy of wisdom among the doctors.

We contemplate the first 12 years of your earthly life and ask You to grant us the grace to honor the mysteries of your holy childhood with such devotion as to become humble or heart and spirit and conform to You in everything, or divine Child, You who live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it.