Girl gives birth and graduates after 24 hours

The story we will tell you today is that of one girl 31-year-old Roman who, just 24 hours after giving birth to her daughter, reached another important milestone. A story of courage, will and determination, all qualities to be cultivated and inspired by.


I dreams they should never be abandoned, despite the difficulties that life puts before us. This girl reminds us of this and teaches us that she can dream even when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is a gift and should be lived as such, it is never a limit. Always remember the phrase that mentions that " the limits are only in our heads."

Benedetta she's a girl from 31 years originally from Ascoli Piceno, who lives in Rome. Her dreams are many and little by little, she is managing to make them come true. Due However, these dreams did not respect the deadlines and came true in the space of just 24 hours.


In 24 hours the young girl realizes 2 dreams

In fact, the girl has become mother of her beautiful little girl and the next day, she achieved the degree. A real feat, many would say, but she did it and in an interview she told everything. She explained that the little girl, who she called Lavinia she should have been born on November 26, but she decided to come into the world a little earlier, forcing her to review her plans.

Benedetta attended theuniversity and had an exam scheduled for Monday, November 13th. As she herself explained, she had decided to qualify 15 days before and then give birth to her baby girl. However, Lavinia has definitely turned everything upside down.


The young woman gives birth Sunday morning at half past five Monday morning, at 8:30, he was in the faculty for the professional qualification exam. After qualifying I discussed the thesis and around noon it is graduate. She then returned to the hospital.

The young mother was very determined and he never thought he wouldn't make it. She armed herself with strength and courage and moved forward.

Alla domanda if he would do it all again, his answer is yes. Lavinia telling her story about her Story hopes to give courage to women who are perhaps scared of the idea of ​​facing pregnancy while studying. No one has superpowers but she proves it everything is possible.