The Guardian Angels protect us and enlighten us

The Love of God and his Omniscience consider it indispensable to support every man and woman an invisible and powerful Keeper, and he is an Angel. He acts with the sole purpose of protecting and helping, always remains close from the conception of a new human creature.
In the past, the Guardian Angels and St. Michael the Archangel were celebrated on the same day, then the feasts were separated to better focus their tasks. They have the same spirituality and simplicity, they are immortal and immutable, they are devoid of quantity.
To give an example, billions of Angels could be in a small room, this is because each Angel cannot be locally present in the space, but can be made visible in a place to carry out his work and help the person assisting in any circumstances.
The ability of the Guardian Angel is immense, it can appear under any guise to protect the person who defends or to remove an impending danger. In every part of the world, countless episodes and miracles occur every day, with the Guardian Angels as protagonists.
Their concern is essentially based on the inspiration or suggestion that is given to the people they care for, but their advice is not always perceived. It depends on the purity of the soul of the person and the will of the Angels.
The layer of darkness present in the intellect prevents us from hearing the inspirations of the Angels and the human will is always pursued.
The Guardian Angels watch over us and protect us but leave us free of choices. The mind that thinks mostly of negative aspects of life, is closed to the inspirations of the Angels, cannot receive the Light of God that these powerful protectors carry.
It is prudent not to act immediately after a doubtful thought, and it is wise to pray long before making important decisions, perhaps before Jesus the Eucharist, with the recitation of the Holy Rosary, with spontaneous prayers addressed to one's Guardian Angel.
The angels of the Lord are our trusted protectors, always ready to help us if we invoke them with love.
The Guardian Angels have a great strength in defending us and in removing us from all the pitfalls that Satan, our indomitable Opponent, tends to do.
The Angels of the Lord intervene in an extraordinary way and place themselves, each day, next to each of us to guide us, to protect us and to comfort us.
As the demons and all the spirits of evil, in these times, great freedom is granted for their diabolical manifestations, so these are the days when the angels of the Lord are called to carry out the most important part of the design of the Madonna.
Especially in these times it is crucial to pray to the Angels every day not to fall into the traps of the devils, to maintain the true Catholic Faith and to know how to control the attacks that come even from the unexpected.

Taken from Facebook by Father Giulio Maria Scozzaro