The Guardian Angels and the experience of the Popes with these creatures of light

Pope John Paul II said on August 6, 1986: "It is very significant that God entrusts his little children to the angels, who always need care and protection."
Pius XI invoked his guardian angel at the beginning and end of each day and, often, during the day, especially when things got tangled. He recommended devotion to the guardian angels and in saying goodbye he said: "May the Lord bless you and your angel accompany you." John XXIII, apostolic delegate to Turkey and Greece said: «When I have to have a difficult conversation with someone, I have the habit of asking my guardian angel to speak to the guardian angel of the person I have to meet with, so that he can help me find the solution to the problem ».
Pius XII said on 3 October 1958 to some North American pilgrims about angels: "They were in the cities you visited, and they were your traveling companions".
Another time in a radio message he said: "Be very familiar with the angels ... If God wills, you will spend all eternity in joy with the angels; get to know them now. Familiarity with angels gives us a feeling of personal security. "
John XXIII, in a confidence to a Canadian bishop, attributed the idea of ​​the convocation of Vatican Council II to his guardian angel, and recommended to parents that they inculcate devotion to the guardian angel to their children. «The guardian angel is a good adviser, he intercedes with God on our behalf; it helps us in our needs, defends us from dangers and protects us from accidents. I would like the faithful to feel all the greatness of this protection of angels "(24 October 1962).
And to the priests he said: "We ask our guardian angel to assist us in the daily recitation of the Divine Office so that we recite it with dignity, attention and devotion, to be pleasing to God, useful for us and for our brothers" (January 6, 1962) .
In the liturgy of the day of their feast (October 2) it is said that they are "heavenly companions so that we do not perish in the face of the insidious assaults of the enemies". Let's invoke them frequently and let's not forget that even in the most hidden and lonely places there is someone who accompanies us. For this reason Saint Bernard advises: "Always go with caution, as one who always has his angel present in all paths".

Are you aware that your angel is watching what you do? You love him?
Mary Drahos recounts in her book "The angels of God, our custodians" that during the Gulf War, a North American pilot was very afraid of dying. One day, before an air mission, he was very nervous and worried. Immediately someone came to his side and reassured him by saying that everything would be fine ... and disappeared. He understood that he had been an angel of God, perhaps his guardian angel, and remained completely calm and peaceful about what would happen in the future. What happened then told it in a television broadcast in his country.
Archbishop Peyron reports the episode told by a person worthy of faith that he knew. It all happened in Turin in 1995. Mrs. LC (wanted to remain anonymous) was very devoted to the guardian angel. One day he went to the Porta Palazzo market to shop and, on returning home, felt ill. She entered the church of the Santi Martiri, in via Garibaldi, to rest a bit and asked her angel to help her get home, located in Corso Oporto, the current Corso Matteotti. Feeling a little better, she left the church and a nine or ten year old girl approached her in a lovable and smiling way. He asked her to show her the way to go to Porta Nuova and the woman replied that she was also going to that road and that they could go together. The little girl, seeing that the woman was not feeling well and that she looked tired, asked her to let her carry the shopping basket. "You can't, it's too heavy for you," he replied.
"Give it to me, give it to me, I want to help you," the girl insisted.
They walked the path together and the lady was amazed at the girl's happiness and sympathy. He asked her many questions about her home and family, but the girl sidetracked the conversation. Finally they came to the lady's house. The girl left the basket on the front door and disappeared without a trace, before she could say thank you. From that day on, Mrs. LC was more devoted to her guardian angel, who had the kindness to help her tangibly in a moment of need, under the figure of a beautiful little girl.