Guardian Angels in action: how they can help you in your daily work

There are angels, cooks, farmers, translators ... Whatever work the human being develops they can do it, when God permits, especially with those who invoke them with faith.

In the life of San Gerardo della Maiella it is said that, having been in charge of cooking for the community, one day, after communion, he went to the chapel and was so entranced that, approaching lunchtime, a confrere went to look for him to tell him that the fire had not yet been lit in the kitchen. He replied: The angels watch over it. The ring of the dinner rang and they found everything ready and in place (61). An Italian contemplative religious told me something similar: My sister Maria and I were in a village of Valencia (Venezuela) for a few days in the parish house, since the village did not have a parish priest and the bishop had lent us the house for the time necessary to find land on which to build the monastery.

Sister Maria was in the chapel and prepared the antiphons of the liturgy; I was busy preparing lunch. At 10 am he called me to listen to his musical composition. The time passed without realizing it and I thought of the dishes that I had not yet washed and the water that was now boiling ... It was 11 and at 30 we had the sixth hour recitation and then lunch. When I got worried back to the kitchen, I was stunned: the dishes were clean and the dishes cooked in the "right place". Everything was clean and he untied them in the dustbin bag, the water about to boil ... I was amazed and moved. Who did this while I was in the chapel with his sister Maria, if there were only two of us in the community and no one had been able to enter? How much I thanked my angel whom I always invoke! I was absolutely sure that this time it was he who had acted in the kitchen! Thanks Guardian Angel!

Sant'Isidoro worker went to mass every day and left the field and the oxen to the care of the angels and, when he returned, the job was done. So one day his master went to see what was happening, since they had told him that Isidore went to mass every day, leaving work aside. According to some, the owner "saw" two angels working with oxen and was admired.

St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina said: If the mission of the guardian angels is great, that of mine is certainly greater, because it must teach me and explain other languages ​​to me (62).

In the case of some holy confessors, the angel reminded them of the sins forgotten by the penitents, as is reported in the life of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and of the holy Curé of Ars.

In the life of Saint John of God and other saints it is said that when they could not take care of their ordinary tasks because in ecstasy, or dedicated to prayer, or away from home, their angels took on their appearance and replaced them.

The venerable Mary of Jesus Crucified affirms that, when she saw the angels of the sisters of her community, she saw them with the appearance of the sisters they guarded. They had their faces, but with a heavenly grace and beauty (63).

Angels can provide us with an infinite number of services and do much more than we imagine, although we do not see them and we are not aware of them. To some saints, such as Saint Gemma Galgani, when she was ill, her angel handed her a cup of chocolate or something else that lifted her, helped her to dress and brought her letters in the post. She liked to play with her angel to see which of the two pronounced the name of Jesus with more love and she almost always "won". Sometimes angels act, inspired by good people, and do certain jobs that they have commissioned from them.

José Julio Martìnez tells two historical facts that was told by a young lady from the Teresian Institute, professor of a college in Castile (Spain), the first staff, the second for testimony: He had to travel from Burgos to Madrid, carrying the suitcase and two packages of fairly heavy books. Since then the trains circulated full of passengers, he was a little afraid of traveling with that heavy baggage and with the worry of not finding an empty seat. Then he prayed to his guardian angel: "Go to the station, because time is running out, and help me find a free place". When he got to the dock, the train was leaving and full of passengers. But a sweet voice came out of a window and said to her, "Miss, you have a lot of luggage. Now I'm going down to help you bring up his things. "

He was a rather old gentleman, with a transparent and good-natured look, he approached her smiling, as if he had known her for a long time and helped her carry the packages, after which he told her that he had a task for her. He said to her: “I am not leaving on this train. I found myself passing on this bench and the idea that a person who would not find a place would later arrive by chance jumped into my head. Then I had the good idea to get on the train and occupy a seat. So this seat is now for you. Goodbye, miss, and have a good trip. " That old man, with his good-natured smile and his sweet gaze, took his leave of the Teresian and lost himself among the people. She only managed to say, "Thank you, my guardian angel."

Another companion of mine was a professor at a boarding school in Palma de Majorca and received a visit from her father. Returning to the boat to reach the peninsula, the man felt a malaise. The daughter recommended him to his angel and his father's guardian angel to protect him during the trip. For this reason he felt very happy when a few days later he received his father's letter in which he wrote: “Daughter, when I took a seat on the boat, I felt bad. A cold sweat covered my forehead and I was afraid of getting sick. At this juncture a distinguished and loving passenger approached me and said to me: “It seems to me that you are a little ill. Don't worry I'm a doctor, let's see the pulse ... "

He treated me beautifully and made me an effective puncture.

When we arrived at the port of Barcelona he told me that he could not take the same train as me, but he introduced me to a friend of his who was taking my train and asked him to accompany me. This friend was as noble and generous as the doctor, and he didn't leave me until I entered the house. I will tell you this so that you can rest easy and see how many good people God places on the path of our life.

In summary, angels are ready to serve us, protect us and help us on our journey of life. Let's rely on them and everything with their help will be easier and faster.