Unexplained healing of Silvia Busi in Medjugorje

My name is Silvia, I am 21 years old and I am from Padua. On October 4, 2004, at the age of 16, I found myself, within a few days, not being able to walk anymore and being forced to stay in a wheelchair. All the results of the clinical tests were negative, but nobody knew when and if I would start walking again. I am an only child, I had a normal life, nobody expected to have to go through such hard and painful moments. My parents have always prayed and asked for the help of Our Lady so that she would not leave us alone in this painful trial. In the following months, however, I got worse, I lost weight and epileptic-like seizures started. In January, my mother contacted a priest who followed a prayer group very devoted to Our Lady, and every three of us went to the Rosary, Mass and Adoration every Friday. One evening just before Easter, after the service, a lady approached me and put a medal of Our Lady in my hands, telling me that she had been blessed during the apparition in Medjugorje, she only had one, but at that moment she believed that I needed her most. I took it and as soon as I got home I put it around my neck. After the holidays I phoned the principal of my school and I had the programs of the class I attended, the third scientific high school and in the months of April and May I studied. In the meantime, in May, my parents started taking me to the Rosary and Holy Mass every day. At first I felt it as an obligation, but then I started to want to go too because when I was there and prayed I found some comfort in the tension caused by the fact that I could not do things like my other peers.

In the first half of June I took exams at school, I passed them and on Monday 20 June when the physiatrist told me that she had to accompany her mother to Medjugorje, I instinctively asked her if she could take me with her! She replied that she would inquire and after three days I was already on the bus to Medjugorje with my father! I arrived on the morning of Friday 24 June 2005; during the day we followed all the services and we had the meeting with the visionary Ivan, the same who later would have appeared on Mount Podbrodo. In the evening when I was asked if I also wanted to go to the mountain, I refused explaining that the wheelchair on a mountain cannot go up and I didn't want to disturb the other pilgrims. They told me there were no problems and that they would take turns, so we left the wheelchair at the foot of the mountain and took me in my arms to take me to the top. It was full of people, but we managed to get through.

Arriving near the statue of the Madonna, they made me sit and I started praying. I remember that I didn't pray for me, I never asked for the grace to be able to walk because it seemed impossible to me. I prayed for others, for people who were in pain at the time. I remember that those two hours of prayer flew away; prayer that I really did with my heart. Shortly before the apparition, my group leader sitting next to me told me to ask everything I wanted to Our Lady, she would come down from Heaven on earth, she would be there, in front of us and would listen to everyone equally. I then asked to have the strength to accept the wheelchair, I was 17 years old and a future in a wheelchair has always scared me a lot. Before 22.00pm there was ten minutes of silence, and while I was praying I was attracted by a patch of light that I saw on my left. It was a beautiful, restful, dim light; unlike the flashes and torches that went on and off continuously. Around me there were many other people, but in those moments it was all dark, there was only that light, which almost frightened me and more than once I took my eyes away, but then out of the corner of my eye it was inevitable see. After the apparition to the visionary Ivan, the light vanished. After the translation of the message of Our Lady into Italian, two people from my group took me to bring me down and I fell backwards, as if I passed out. I fell and hit my head, neck and back on those stones and I didn't make the slightest scratch. I remember it was as if I had been on a soft, cozy mattress, not on those hard and angular stones. I heard a very sweet voice that calmed me, calmed me like cuddling me. Immediately they started throwing me water and they told me that people and some doctors stopped trying to feel my pulse and breath, but nothing, there were no signs of life. After five to ten minutes I opened my eyes, I saw my father cry, but for the first time in 9 months I felt my legs and so bursting into tears I said trembling: "I am healed, I walk!" I got up as if it were the most natural thing; immediately they helped me to go down the mountain because I was very agitated and they feared that I would get hurt, but when I got to the foot of the Podbrodo when they approached the wheelchair, I refused it and from that moment I started walking. At 5.00 the following morning I was climbing the Krizevac alone with my legs.

The first days I walked I had my leg muscles weakened and atrophied by paralysis, but I wasn't afraid of falling because I felt supported by invisible threads behind me. I had not gone to Medugorje in a wheelchair thinking I could go back with my legs. It was the first time I went there, it was beautiful not only for the Grace I received, but for the atmosphere of peace, calm, serenity and great joy that you breathe there. At the beginning I never made testimonials because I was much more shy than now and then I had numerous epileptic-like crises during the day, so much so that in September 2005 I had not been able to resume attending the fourth high school. At the end of February 2006, Father Ljubo had come to hold a prayer meeting in Piossasco (TO) and they had asked me to go and testify. I hesitated a little, but in the end I went; I testified and prayed to S. Rosario. Before I left, Father Ljubo blessed me and prayed a few moments above me; within a few days all the crises completely disappeared. My life has now changed and not just because I am physically healed. For me the greatest grace has been to discover the Faith and know how much love Jesus and Our Lady have for each of us. With the conversion, it is as if God had kindled a fire within me that must be constantly nourished with prayer and the Eucharist. Some wind will then blow us but if it is well fed, this fire will not go out and I thank God infinitely for this immense gift! Now in my family we deal with every problem with the strength of the Rosary that we pray all three together every day. In the house we are more serene, happy because we know that everything is according to the will of God, of whom we have full confidence and we are extremely happy that he and Our Lady guide us. With this testimony I want to give thanks and praise to Our Lady and Jesus also for the spiritual conversion that has taken place in my family and for the sense of peace and joy that They give us. I sincerely hope that each of you feel the love of Our Lady and of Jesus because for me it is the most beautiful and important thing in life.