Heals from an incurable tumor in Lourdes

Most of the testimonies of people cured suddenly in Lourdes tell of striking facts, strange sensations, sudden lights and other signs that anticipate the miracle. The healing of Delizia Cirolli, however, was not completely different, and it happened randomly, long after the pilgrimage, without her realizing it, if not after some time. Delizia today is a fifty-one year old woman, but when it all happened she wasn't even a teenager. Born on November 17, 1964 in Paternò, Sicily, Delizia, at the age of eleven, began to experience pain in her right knee. Initially the parents took it rather lightly, thinking it was an excuse not to go to school, but in a short time, given the worsening of the situation, they took her to a specialist who immediately prescribed a biopsy. The examination revealed a malignant tumor at the proximal end of the tibia. A diagnosis that nobody would want to hear.

Watch the video to hear the testimony of healing from his voice.