I was cured of breast cancer through the intercession of Padre Pio


In 2007 I who am by all accounts very strong, after a painful separation, I discovered that I had a malignant breast tumor.
I dreamed of the Virgin of Pompeii who said to me "Go, Padre Pio is waiting for you" and I left alone for San Giovanni Rotondo.
On the way, a young man suddenly sits next to me and asks me where I am going. I explain to him that I go to Padre Pio to ask for grace not for me, because I am not afraid of dying, but because my children have only me, especially the little girl who, I feared, if I had died would have been placed in foster care. And he says "You see doctor (how did you know?) She is like cats when she suffers, she wants to be alone. Anyway go to Padre Pio but know that you will enjoy your children up to eighty years. I too have made many mistakes, I have never listened, but today my path of the Soul and its Soul and body begin. "
It goes down and vanishes.
Needless to say, in San Giovanni I manage to speak with Fra Modestino, the crucifix of Padre Pio passes on me and two days after the tumor, at three o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon, he disappeared.
God remembered me, gave value to my life, loved me more than my mother's or people's judgments. God recognized me from up there among billions of beings, to me, a sinner, as his daughter.
The night when I look at the sky I know there is a Father who loves me not because he has made me a miracle, because before leaving San Giovanni they called me to read Mass and two Dominicans laughing at my amazement said that Padre Pio always does this when he does graces.
God allowed it but allowed my angelic "light" to shine and project itself outside of me and the ethereal to show that there is no furrow between us and the Soul, between us and the Spirit, but a continuity made of love.
