Healed thanks to the water of Mother Hope

Francesco Maria is a 16 year old boy with the passion of football and the carefree smile of a teenager hungry for life. But behind his middle name an extraordinary fate, how painful.

At not even one year of age he is struck by a terrible disease that reduces it almost to a vegetable. It weighs a few kilograms because its body can no longer receive food. His mother Elena and his father Maurizio, a doctor, have him visited by all the best specialists in the country, but for the little one the fate seems immediately sealed. Time seems to have run out for Francesco. One day, however, mother Elena hears on television the miraculous potential of Mother Speranza's water from the Sanctuary of Merciful Love in Collevalenza. The family decides to leave to ask for the grace for the little Francesco, now reduced to his death.

And it is precisely there that the child receives the miracle. After being bathed in holy water, Francis seems to be reborn and the disease slowly regresses, without a plausible scientific explanation. After 15 years Francesco Fossa, arrived from Vigevano to Borsea, last Sunday, on the occasion of the title of the parish park to Mother Speranza, the nun of Spanish origin proclaimed blessed a year ago, whom Don Silvio Baccaro had the pleasure of meeting several times in the 70s during the nun's visits to Rovigo. In Collevalenza there is the sanctuary dedicated to Merciful Love where Mother Hope apostle of this love, welcomed and received more than a hundred people a day, listening to them one at a time, consoling, advising and instilling hope.

"It was really an emotion to embrace Francesco and his family - said Don Silvio - and above all to listen to the testimony of these parents who have never forgotten that they have received the grace of the healing of their firstborn and continue to live carrying a love message to all people who find themselves in difficulty ”. On the occasion of the homily, Don Silvio reaffirmed the need to spread these extraordinary stories, "so that someone warms our hearts". "We are tired of bad news - said the parish priest - for this we must believe in the strength of good. And this extraordinary family is an example of this ».

Great emotion for the community and for Francesco's parents, who also arrived in Borsea with their other two children. The latest born is Alina Maria, a beautiful baby girl adopted two years ago. Even her fate seemed marked by that too early birth that had caused her a cerebral hemorrhage. But Elena and Maurizio have never stopped fighting and praying, once again relying on Mother Speranza. Today Alina, despite the uphill road, is a healthy child and she too, in her middle name, has a thank you to Mother Hope, who made her reason for living for her devotion to Our Lady and to Jesus. Nine sick children welcomed by the Fossa who decided to put their home and their love at the disposal of children in difficulty. "We want to give all the good that the Lord has given us," explained mother Elena during the mass. An example of faith and of sepranza that goes where Science also raises its hands to heaven.