Hiroshima, how 4 Jesuit priests were miraculously saved

Thousands of people died as a result of the launch of the atomic bomb in Hiroshimain Japan, during the Second World War, on August 6, 1945. The effect was so striking and instantaneous that the shadows of the people who were in the city were preserved in the concrete. Many survivors of the blast subsequently died from the effects of the radiation.

The Jesuit priests Hugo Lassalle, Hubert Schiffer, Wilhelm Kleinsorge e Hubert Cieslik they worked in the parish house of Our Lady of the Assumption and one of them was celebrating the Eucharist when the bomb hit the city. Another was having coffee and two had left for the outskirts of the parish.

Father Cieslik told in an interview with a newspaper that they only had injuries caused by the glass shards that exploded with the impact of the bomb but did not suffer the effects of radiation, such as injuries and illnesses. They passed more than 200 exams over the years and did not develop the reactions expected from those who live this type of experience.

“We believe we survived because we were living the Message of Fatima. We lived and prayed the Rosary every day in that house ”, they explained.

Father Schiffer told the story in the book "The Hiroshima Rosary". About 246.000 people died from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Half died from the impact and the rest weeks later from the effects of radiation. Japan capitulated on August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.