I saw a man "in second marriage" cry after taking Communion

I want to share with you an experience lived in first person and therefore reliable and true of Faith. Often with you I share prayers, devotions, writings of the heart, many ask me if I am a priest or a seer but in reality I am just a blogger with an easy writing not because I am good with Italian but only for the simple reason that when I write I do not dictates the mind but the heart. So what I am going to write now is not false but I want to pass on this testimony to you so that you understand the true meaning of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ.

On October 3, 2019 by God's will and choice I contracted marriage with my current wife. As per the rite of the Catholic Church, four dear friends made the witnesses, including my sister-in-law and my older brother. The religious function studied at the TOP, all according to the parameters that must be had for a good Catholic marriage that cares more for the soul than for the body and parties. However, there will be one thing that few knew and that went against the canons of the Church, my brother and my sister-in-law were spouses who had only contracted a civil marriage in second marriage so for the Church they were separated even if my brother's first marriage had been canceled, however, he had married a separated one in second marriage. Therefore these two spouses were "sinners and could not take Communion to the body of Christ".

What happened at the moment of communion at the wedding mass. The priest gives Communion to us spouses, then goes to the other two friendly witnesses and immediately afterwards goes to my brother who had my sister-in-law by his side. My brother says to the priest "but can I take Communion?" perplexed in the question given that the parish priest has been there for 35 years and therefore he knew everything about the boy. The priest looks him in the face, smiles, looks him in the eye and gives him Communion both to him and to his wife.

After communion, the good "sinful" witness cries, is moved, his tears run down his face, for ten years they had denied him the body of Christ.

Why had that priest given communion to that divorced man? Perhaps he does not know the canons of the Church or is he a rebel? No, no of all this. That priest knew that that man was a good person, a worker, a good son, a good husband, an excellent father, who must be an example of goodness for so many people who often receive Communion every day.

I have seen people take Communion every day and leave no emotion while the so-called "sinners" with these gestures make us understand that there is something great in the host, there is the Body of Christ.

What does Jesus Christ teach us? What does his Gospel tell us? He tells us that the Father is waiting for the prodigal son, he tells us that in Heaven there is a feast for a converted sinner, he tells us that Jesus let himself be crucified for sinners, he tells us "do not judge".

According to you, Jesus seeing a good separated man who has the desire for his body, for his Sacrament, for forgiveness, what would he do? Unfortunately, he would say I cannot forgive you since the laws of the Church are like this or he would say "whoever of you is without sin first throw the stone at him".

Crying. I have never cried after taking Communion and yet I too have sinned.
What to say?
We must all understand that spirituality is a matter of personal conscience and not of laws and rules. Jesus taught us to love and not to respect rules. Jesus taught us to forgive and not condemn or drive away.

Communion is made up of that body of Christ which was put on the cross for all of us sinners.

“Dear sinner, if you have a desire for Christ, if you have a desire for Heaven, if you have a desire for love, go before the altar and there is Christ who is waiting for you to be with you”.

Thanks tears. Thanks tears. You have taught us that Jesus is everything and that he must not be suffocated in the hearts of men but must be announced for what he really is: a God of peace and forgiveness.