Gospel, Saint, today's prayer 6 November

Today's Gospel
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 14,12-14.
At that time, Jesus said to the chief of the Pharisees who had invited him: «When you offer a lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends, nor your brothers, nor your relatives, nor the rich neighbors, because they too do not invite you in turn and you have the return.
On the contrary, when you give a banquet, it invites the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind;
and you will be blessed because they don't have to reciprocate you. For you will receive your reward at the resurrection of the righteous. "

God, Father of all peoples,
than in the Spirit of your Son
you are the origin of all that is good and holy,

We praise you
for the life of your servant Guido Conforti.
He, contemplating in your crucified Son
your love for every creature,
he dedicated himself entirely
the urgency of the announcement of the gospel.

We thank you
for giving it to the Xaverian missionaries as father,
to the church as a pastor and missionary,
to all as an example of virtue and model of holiness.

through his intercession, increase our faith
because we can be announcers of your love,
witnesses of hope and builders of your kingdom.

Praise and glory to you over the centuries. Amen.

Ejaculatory of the day

The cross be my light.