Religious ignorance is the scourge of the popular mass. Regarding the Sacrament of Confession, it is not uncommon for ignorance to reach its maximum limit; The Ministers of God know something, from painful experience.

The time of Easter is used to be for many occasions of rapprochement to God with the Holy Confession; Unfortunately, in certain circumstances Confession becomes confusion, both because of the religious ignorance of the penitent, and because of the speed that the Priest must keep when many present themselves to the confessional. Woe if the Confessor kept a penitent for a long time! They would be acts of impatience on the part of those who wait, who would either go home without confession, or would mutter or judge badly and Priest and penitent!

I thought to make known how a "pasqualino" could confess, that is, the one who decides to go to the confessional during Easter time.

May this work serve to instruct the Christian people to draw fruitfully from the Sacrament of Penance.

Fundamental principles
Before entering the subject, it is necessary to recall the fundamental principles of the Sacrament of Confession.

Jesus Christ said to the Apostles and their successors: "The sins of those to whom you will retain them, will be retained, and the sins of those to whom you will forgive them, will be forgiven."

The minister of God therefore forgives sins not in his own name but in the name of the Lord.

Jesus Christ did not set the time when sacramental absolution should have been sought; but since many did not think of returning to the grace of God after the guilt, the Supreme Pontiff, Supreme Head of the Church, established for centuries: "All the faithful must confess at least once a year". Whoever does not satisfy this ecclesiastical precept, is guilty of mortal sin.

It is not enough to confess; it is necessary to confess well. To succeed, you need:

1 ° Think of the sins committed

2 ° To be repentant of the evil done; and let this repentance be ennobled by the love of God, that is to be repented not only for the deserved punishments, but more than anything for the offense brought to the Lord.

3 ° Promise never to sin again, with the firm intention of fleeing the next occasions of grave sin.

4 ° To manifest one's faults to the Priest, with humility and sincerity.

5 ° Do the good work that the Confessor imposes, as a penance for sins.

Only serious faults are to be confessed; venial, or light sins, it is good to confess them, but one is not required to do so.

The sins of thought confess as thoughts, words as words and actions as actions. Therefore whoever said: "I accuse myself of a bad thought against purity" and would also like to include dishonest speech or an impure act, would not exactly confess.

In addition to mortal sin, it is necessary to confess the circumstances that change the species of sin, since a sin, for particular circumstances, could be double and even triple. Thus, if a family man pronounces a blasphemy before his children, he commits two sins: the first is the blasphemy and the second is the scandal given to the children.

The number of serious sins must also be revealed to the Confessor; if this is known exactly, it cannot be increased or decreased; if the number cannot be known because of the many repeated acts, the approximate number must be said. For example: I missed Mass on Sunday, once or twice a month ... I cursed a couple of times a day, or a week, or a month.

Since not everything can be remembered in the act of Confession, let it be said in the end: I also ask God for forgiveness for sins that I do not remember.

Confessed sins remain directly forgiven; forgotten ones are acquitted indirectly. If after the confession one remembers some serious sin, one remains calm; it is lawful to approach Holy Communion. But at the next confession, remembering the sin left out, there is an obligation to confess it.

Whoever voluntarily hides a grave guilt, either out of shame or for another reason, does not receive the forgiveness of any sin, on the contrary, stains the conscience of another very serious sin, which is called "sacrilege"; if he goes to communicate himself, he will double the sacrilege. Better never to confess, rather than confess badly! The medicine left to us by the Divine Redeemer would become poison.

it is very dangerous to say: "Pecco ... I do what I want ... and then I will confess! This would be an abuse of divine mercy. Woe to challenge the goodness of God! … Do not forget that you don't mess with God!

Put into practice the advice of the Confessor, as you take advantage of the prescription issued by the physician of the body.

Those who know that they have confessed badly, or for having kept silent about a serious sin or for lack of real pain and purpose, must make up their confessions, starting with the last one done well.

Antonio, does your wife make you despair?

Sometimes yes and sometimes ... always! His home is the Church. In the morning he is eager to attend to household chores. But why such a hurry? Don't you hear, he replies, that the bell of the Mass rings already? Many times, when I return from work, I knock on the door and nobody answers. But in short, where is my lady? And I see her appear panting with the shawl on her head. And where have you been? A beautiful church service took place! I didn't want to lose it!

And you, Antonio, have the patience to bear it? Administer a few slaps; will judge immediately!

Ah, this is not! My wife doesn't deserve such treatment! Out of this defect he has no high !. It does not give confidence to strangers, it does not quarrel with neighbors, it can say the good word to pacify the spirits; it also keeps the house tidy and I don't miss anything. As you can see, everything is fine in my house; there is real peace, especially since my two children got married. Patience ... let her go to church! ... He says he needs to pray, to communicate and to confess.

Yes ... confession! ... My wife also had this vice, but I made her lose it! In the first years of our coexistence I made clear agreements: If you want to pray, pray, but at home! Confession, nothing! Before I die, I will call the priest at home and make you confess ... Besides, what sins do you have? ... And my wife changed the system!

Confess, confess! Antonio exclaims. But what do those who confess have to say? What sins can they do to feel the need to tell them to the Priest?

What do you want! They are women, they don't know what to do at home and go to church to confess. We men, on the other hand, who have so many important thoughts in mind, have no time to waste with this nonsense!

Still, there are men who go to confession! Have you not seen for Easter how many family fathers went to church to confess?

And it means that they have sins! Not all men are like the two of us. We don't kill, we don't steal, we don't go to court to give false testimony, we are esteemed and honored workers ... so ... what should we confess?

You are right!

This conversation took place one evening inside the tavern, while Antonio and Nicolino were preparing to drink the usual glass.

The parish priest returned to the village after having assisted a dying man in the nearby countryside. Luckily Antonio wanted him to pass by. The priest took the opportunity to say a good word to him.

.Antonio, how's your health?

Always good! I only miss the money; besides, I don't want anything. I brought a pair of shoes to a family and now I am back home.

And how are you conscious?

Very good! Conscience is always in place. They were all like men! ...

And yet, I almost never see you in church! Your wife is assiduous! It is enough for my wife to go to pray to God; applies to it and to me. Sometimes I have told him: Concetta, it is useless to tell me to go to church; pray for me and do the same!

Bravo Antonio! Also try to say to your lady: Concetta, I am not eating tonight; eat for me; it does not matter!

Dear Parish Priest, even when I don't go to church very often, as my wife does, I believe I love God more than she does, because I think of the Lord and pray to him in my heart.

But on Easter Sunday I did not see you in Church for Communion; and not only this year, but not even the other years have you approached the Blessed Sacrament. Resolve a good time to communicate! Confess well and you will be happy!

But what should I say in Confession if I don't hurt anyone?

It's true; but I believe that by looking carefully in consciousness, you could find something! ... Think Antonio, that you die! I come to assist a dying man. Woe to go to God's court with irregular accounts! So I'll wait for you! A few days you will come to see me and we will do everything!

But I don't have time!

Don't say so ... Maybe you don't feel like it! ... Don't you realize that it is the devil that keeps you from doing your duty as a good Christian? ... It doesn't take money to confess; only goodwill.

Parish priest, I will think better of it! ... It is not difficult for one day to go to confession. I will do it to please you and also my wife, who always repeats it to me.

Bad! Then it is better not to confess.


You must confess only to please the Lord, not the creatures. Alright then! I will do as you say! ... But if I confess I do not take offense, I will turn to a Franciscan Father, because the Monks inspire me more confidence.

Very well! Maximum freedom in these things. Antonio be careful! I fear that the devil will take away from you this little goodwill. Give me the word of honor that you will confess and so you are more confident.

Father Parish Priest, since you want it like this, I certainly commit my honor; indeed I will go to confession this evening! She likes?

Bravo Antonio! I will pray for you.

Concetta, if someone comes looking for me, you will say that I am busy tonight.

And if it comes to you appears? You will say that you come back tomorrow.

And what are your commitments today?

I don't want to tell you ... but I tell you ... because I know you will like it. I go immediately to the Franciscan monastery.

From the Franciscan Fathers? ... You? Yes, me. I'm going to confess.

Antonio ... are you serious?

Sure! I committed my word to the parish priest, I met with him and I absolutely decided to confess!

What a joy! Lord, thank you! ... How much I prayed to you for my husband! ... Finally! ...

So, Concetta, are you happy? Delighted! But I recommend that you confess well; do not hide sins!

Sins? ... And what sins can I have? ... You know me well and you know that I don't hurt anyone!

And then I will immediately recite a Rosary to Our Lady in thanksgiving and to help you tonight.

The little friar had played the touches of the Ave Maria and then stopped at the convent door.

Good evening! I'd like to speak to Father Serafino.

I'll call him right away.

Antonio entered the convent and waited slowly in the courtyard waiting. Serafino did not wait long.

Are you looking for me?

Precisely! I want to confess. But my confession is simple simple. I have not killed, I have not stolen, I have not been to the court and everyone loves me. Ask who I am in town and everyone will say that I am the greatest gentleman!

Well I am delighted with this! However let us sit in the Church; we will be alone and we will be able to speak calmly.

Father Serafino, from long experience, immediately noticed that he was dealing with a backward Easter Monday and thought: Tonight a little work! To the glory of God!


Is it really necessary to kneel? I have rheumatism in my leg.

Then sit down ... Make the sign of the Cross! ... What sins have you done?

Father, I already made my Confession a little while ago; I told her that I never commit sins!

So ... you are a saint!? ...

Holy no! But I don't care about sins!

Well, then answer my questions: Have you made the Easter Precept? I have not done this sin.

Too bad? ... I ask you if you received Holy Communion this Easter!

Actually, I haven't communicated myself for some time.

When was the last time you confessed?

I don't remember well! ... As a boy, up to nine years I often confessed ... once or twice a year. Then I got to work and never thought about these things again. You know, one who works has no time to waste.

Do you think it is a lost time to go to confession and purify your conscience? ... is the best time spent!

So, don't remember if you confessed after nine years! Are you married regularly?

Yes, I married all the sacraments of the Church.

You certainly confessed before marrying!

Yes, yes! ... I remember! ... Then I confessed to the parish; there was a holy priest in that church.

And how old are you getting married?

Let's see! ... The first child is twenty-seven years old and I certainly got married twenty-eight years ago.

Therefore there are already twenty-eight deadly sins that you have in your soul! Every year that goes by without Confession is a serious sin! ... Now give me twenty-eight lire!

And why? ... Do you pay to confess? ... I thought everything was done for free!

You are right. Everything is free ... But, if you don't pay and you are twenty-eight years old without confessing, if you paid, how many years would you be away from Confession? ... And do you think that every year there is an obligation to communicate in Easter time and who will leave out this is guilty of sin before God. Do you know the third precept of the Catholic Church? I completely ignore it!

I tell you: Confess at least once a year and communicate at least at Easter.

That being the case, now that I know, I will do my homework every year.

Do you know the people of the Holy Trinity?

I don't know who they are!

Do you at least know that there is God?

Ah, God must be there! Otherwise who would have made the world? ... And then, who would make us stand? ... I believe in God! I am very religious; in fact, I keep many holy cards in my wallet! If you saw how many paintings my wife keeps hanging on the walls of the room! ... And every night I kiss the painting of San Giovanni Decollato, which is near the bedside!

Does all your religiosity consist only of this?

Furthermore, when I gather to celebrate a saint, I always give my offer; several times I carried the Patron Saint on my shoulders on the day of his feast! ... Ah, were all religious men like me! ...

Of religion you have only a little paint. Listen to me: You must believe that there is God, that God is one, that in God there are three equal and distinct Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You must also believe that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, about 1982 years ago became man, was born of the Virgin Mary, died on the Cross for our sins and after three days he rose again gloriously. Finally, Jesus Christ went up to Heaven and will return to earth at the end of the world to judge everyone, good and bad; he will give Heaven to the good and hell to the bad.

Father, but is there really hell and Heaven? ... And who has seen it? ... And who has come from there to tell us?

Jesus Christ, God-Man, taught us these truths and we must believe all that God has revealed to us; denying a single divine truth or questioning it constitutes a grave sin. Eh, how many times have I said to friends: What a hell and what a Heaven! ... The Priests say to make us scare! ... But I don't believe it! ... After all, if there is no hell, even better; if there is, as the others will do I will! ...

See, dear friend, how many mistakes you have made and how real you have sown! ... All this is a serious sin! ... Since I realize that you ignore the first elements of the Christian Doctrine, I will ask you particular questions about the various Commandments of God. You answer with sincerity ! Perhaps God will ask you little about many shortcomings for your ignorance; but remember that guilty ignorance of the truths of faith is a very serious sin. You have to educate yourself! Now let's get started.

First Commandment
Have you had faith in God and his Providence, or have you criticized the Lord's conduct?

I believe in God with all my heart; but I often say that he does unjust things. Do you think it is a small thing that a family man dies and leaves five, six children ... while there are many old people walking? God cannot do certain things! Send death to an old man and not a young man!

And who are you, poor man, who dare to criticize God ... the Omniscient ... the Almighty? ... Do you know more than God?

This no!

Therefore, never say these things, because to say to the Lord that he cannot rule the world is an insult to the Divinity, is therefore a grave sin ... And in your needs do you turn to God with prayer?

My prayer is always one and I recite it every evening: "Holy Mary, Mother of God ..." I don't know any other prayers. But then I think: it is useless to pray! In any case, God is deaf and never listens to me!

In necessities you must pray. If the Lord does not seem to listen to you, it will be because you have no faith, or because you commit so many sins, for which you make yourselves unworthy of his help and his graces. Did you speak ill of Religion?

I like religion and I cannot speak ill of it. Only I murmur against the Priests and the Pope, because it seems to me that they don't do the right things.

Be careful! Jesus Christ says, speaking of his ministers: «Whoever despises you, despises me! »If you find defects in any Priest, pray for him. Be careful not to misjudge easily! Have you taken part in societies condemned by the Church?

I don't like being in society; I have a group of friends, as good as I am, and I do my own thing.

I'll explain. Have you given the name to any political current that goes against the Church?

And what does politics have to do with Confession?

Yes, that has something to do with it, because today religion is being fought with the excuse of politics and certain political parties are excommunicated.

Ah, I never want to go against Religion; it would be a pity. I joined the Communist Party, the party of the needy and I hope to have a better time in the future. In my opinion, I did well.

Instead you hurt!

And why? What harm would there be? You see nothing but bread: the party's superiors have other purposes: to fight and remove religion and admit divorce.

Perhaps my other companions will want this, but certainly not me!

In any case, look for another party, get informed with a cautious person and then give the name to that political current, which seems the best.

But if I take a step back, what will my teammates say?

And if you go to hell, will the comrades come to free you? ... Either you get back on track or I deny you absolution. I am a priest and said to protect the rights of God and consciences!

And patience! ... I will retire! ... So much, I have lived poor so far and will continue to live forever!

Have you had human respect?

I am most respectful to everyone; that's why everyone loves me.

I mean: Have you been ashamed to profess the Catholic faith, for fear of being criticized?

To tell the truth, when I am alone I am not ashamed of anyone: I pray, I kiss the sacred images; ... when I am in company, I am careful not to show myself religious, otherwise the others would laugh behind my back and could tell me Have you become a sacristan?

You misbehave and God is offended. The Lord says: "If anyone is ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of him before my Father." Therefore, it always takes courage and you must publicly show that you are religious. Are you a Christian or a pagan?

I am a Christian.

Then you should not be afraid to show yourself a follower of Jesus Christ. Have you sinned with superstition?

What does it mean?

Have you sometimes invoked the devil?

Please! ... I'm very afraid of the devil! Occasionally, however, in anger, I name him and call him "saint".

Don't do it anymore. To say "holy" to the devil is a mortal sin ... Have you trusted the bills and the evil eye?

Always! ... These are things that are seen with the eyes and must be believed. Lately a neighbor got angry with my wife, went to get a bottle of water and threw it near my door, saying: «I'll make you the invoice and send you the evil eye! Woe to you! " I was present, I wanted to use my hands, but I braked. Then I said to my wife, "Concetta, don't leave the house before I have the bill removed." I called a practical woman, I paid her, I had the exams done in my house and so everything went. Woe to me and my wife, if I had not done so! ...

This is a pity! And why.

But is the world governed by these megs or by God?

Sure from God!

So how can a woman produce evil or speed up death? If these things existed, many mothers of families would have combined a special invoice with the heads of government who wanted to make war and would have made them die or become ill. Instead the belligerent leaders felt nothing! If this were the case, they would make the invoice: the servants to certain masters, the debtors to their creditors, etc ... Nonsense, nonsense! There is only the curse, produced by the diabolical intervention.

Yet I have given such importance to certain things! And how much money I spent during my son's four years of illness! ... Now that I know, I don't even want to believe in the horseshoe, the red ribbon, the croissant!

Do you also believe this?

So far I have believed; but now enough! Tomorrow, having entered the shop, I will remove the three horseshoes that are attached to the door.

How many corbellerie are committed in ignorance!

That's right! ... In ignorance! ... Nobody ever explained these things to me.

But do you listen to the sermons in the Church? Souls are taught during the sermons!

I hardly ever witness preaching; as soon as the Priest begins to speak, I leave the Church; what the Priest says seems to me useless; sermons benefit women.

Good for everyone! And you have a serious obligation to educate yourself, to know better the law of God. See how much religious ignorance there is in you !?

How many are more ignorant of religion than I am!

They will account for Jesus Christ as soon as they die; they will be judged strictly, because they could educate themselves and they did not. Guilty ignorance of the truths we must believe and of the things we are required to do is a very serious sin against the first commandment of God! … Do you still remember some other particular deficiencies, after the questions I asked you?

I don't know what to say! I have said everything and can give me absolution ... Excuse me, Father; right now I remember one detail; but I don't think it's a sin. Sometimes I go to a neighboring country, because there is a woman who guesses almost everything. I ask about my future; before I asked about my military son; and it seems to me that there is nothing wrong here.

This too is superstition.

But I pay; I can disobey myself! Where could the evil be?

it is a pity to believe in superstitions. Asking fortune tellers about the future or hidden things is superstition and therefore sin. Besides, nobody knows the future; God alone is master of the future.

Yet something has guessed it. He told me that my life has been very tiring, ... (and it's true!); he predicted that I will live up to 85 years!

If you don't die first!

He told me that after 60 years I will get a fortune ... that someone wants me wrong ... Some things have been true, but others have been false.

Don't you see that these people are cheaters and irreligious?

You are wrong! Before answering me, this woman lights a candle to Santo Espedito, then says a prayer and finally makes three signs of the Cross.

Worse still! It does this to capture the good faith of customers. So, promise God not to go to the soothsayers anymore. In needs, recommend yourselves to the Lord and return to his hands.

Second Commandment
Have you cursed against God?

Never against God ... against the Eternal Father, yes!

Poor thing! ... And the Eternal Father is not God? Never venture to desecrate the name of Divinity!

But I don't do it for bad, ... to insult God ... only for outburst of anger.

So you, out of anger, slap a man or kill him, and believe that it is not bad because you do it in anger!

What does he want; some workers often experience some opposition and then the blasphemy comes spontaneously; but after cursing, I immediately regret it. Ah, this I always do!

Have you cursed against Our Lady?

Against the Madonna del Carmine, never absolutely! That is the Madonna of our country and it would be a real shame to offend her. Occasionally some blasphemy escapes against the Immaculate Conception or against the Assumption ... but, as I said, I never do it for bad!

Have you given others reason to blaspheme?

Sometimes yes; however very rare! An almost foolish man passes in front of my shop; the boys insult him and he gets angry and blasphemy. Sometimes I happened to be idle and having seen this guy go by, I said to my little boy: «Go and pull his jacket! The poor fellow immediately began to curse. Those yes, Reverend, are blasphemies! ... Horrible words! ... Blasphemies a litanies!

Of the insults against God made by him, you will give an account to the Lord! It was your fault that you teased him!

But I'm not the only one doing this; many others do it and more often than me!

This is not an excuse before God! ... Have you blasphemed in the presence of your children?

When I blaspheme I don't mind those present; my children have always heard me and also the two who work in my shop. And why do you ask me this?

Because you are guilty of other sins! You are required to set a good example for children and employees; cursing in their presence, you are a bad example and a scandal! If the father blasphemes, the children feel authorized to do the same. You must correct the children who are missing. If one of your children cursed, how could you blame him? ...

If he blasphemed? ... One of my children very little blasphemy; but the other, the major, blasphemy more than I do! When he gets angry, he makes all the Saints of Heaven come down; don't leave one! ...

You are also responsible for the blasphemies of this son; he learned them from you; you didn't correct it in time ... so the fault is yours!

But God forgive me! By now my son is married, he stays at his house and I have nothing to do with his business anymore; if he swears, worse for him!

The past is past! Promise now to the Lord not to blaspheme anymore; if any of your employees had this bad and bad habit, scold him immediately as soon as he is missing.

You are right! Swearing is a vice. But, on reflection, I say: It is not a great evil! ... The blasphemies ... are words ... they do not make holes ... they do not kill anyone! ...

You must know that a blasphemy, an insult made to God, is a more serious sin than slander, false testimony and murder itself!

Sara! Since you say that, who studied more than me, I believe it!

Moving on to something else ... did you miss the promises made to God or the Saints? I make few promises; but after making a few, I easily overlook it. During the war there was a terrible incursion into our country. Remember, Father? Twenty-four aircraft passed and dropped many bombs. To tell the truth, I was afraid that time and exclaimed: "If I remain alive, I will bring to the Madonna del Carmine a torch, as long as me and weighing ten kilograms." That time I was unharmed. After a short time the war ceased and I said: «By now the fact is done. The danger will be gone. I have little money and I can't buy the torch. Our Lady forgives me! »

As long as you can't you are sorry; when you are able to fulfill the promise, you will bring the torch to the Madonna; if you find it difficult to do this shopping, I will ask the Bishop for the right to dispense you. Do not forget, however, that it is better not to promise, rather than promise and then not keep! If sometimes you want to make a promise that pleases God a lot, you promise not money or torches or other objects, but a good Confession or a Holy Communion ... not to miss Mass on Sunday ... not to blaspheme ... to remove a hatred from the heart! ...

And what are these promises? ... Instead give a thousand lire, offer the Madonna del Carmine a beautiful torch ... these I believe are the best promises!

You are wrong! What you say costs a lot and is worth little; the promises that I suggested to you, are cheap and worth a lot ... because God seeks the heart first and then the rest ...

I now ask you a few questions about the third commandment of divine law. Answer with sincerity.

Third Commandment Do you sanctify the feast?

As long as possible ... because I am a worker and many times the party passes like all the other days of the week.

Pay close attention to the day of the Lord! God says: «Remember to sanctify the holidays! »Remember means« don't forget it! »And first of all, do you go to Holy Mass on holidays?

Ah, I always liked Mass! Since I was a child I have had the habit of going to the Church and therefore from time to time I go to Mass, for example at Christmas, at Carnival, on Holy Thursday, the day of the Dead ... I don't always go on Sundays.

For carnival, for Holy Thursday and for the Dead, there is no obligation to attend Mass; instead there is an obligation every Sunday and other holidays. If you leave out only one Mass because of you, you commit a serious sin.

And then who knows how many sins I will have done!

So you will go to Mass every public holiday; if you can't in the morning, take advantage in the evening.

I always work on Sundays; I have so much to do in the shop; I also make my young men work.

First of all you have to go to Mass! You sin and your helpers sin because of you.

But in order not to waste time, I could do otherwise. The other time, it was Sunday, and I heard singing on the radio. I asked the owner of my shop: Madam, who is singing? Mass is celebrated in Florence! I wanted to pay attention. It was really Mass! The priest preached, people sang, afterwards the doorbell rang while I was working in the shop and I could hear Mass. I could then ask my mistress to make me hear the Mass in Florence every Sunday.

This Mass is not valid! You must be present at the Holy Sacrifice ... And, when you go to Mass, do you stay with devotion in the Church, or do you chat?

Here, it depends on who is close to me. If they make me talk, it's only fair that I answer. If there is a friend close to me whom I haven't seen for some time, of course we exchange some ideas!

Bad! In church we pray! ... And do you keep your eyes in place while you are in the House of God?

I understand! ... What he wants! ... We are men and we look! Now that I'm a grandetto, I don't mind it but when I was younger I went to church to look at women!

Better not to go to church when you behave like this! ... Divinity is not honored in this way, but is dishonored.

But don't believe, Father, that I am the only one doing this! Almost all men do this in church! And don't believe that women behave better than us men!

All this is bad! Before God, the excuse does not apply: "Others also do this! ..." And as regards work, you promise God not to offend him anymore. Sundays don't work! God forbids it. Those who work for the party commit a serious sin and deserve hell.

So if I work on holiday, I will go to hell. And the one who never works and goes to steal, where will he end up?

To hell as well! You will damn yourself because you miss the third commandment and the thief because you miss the seventh "Don't steal".

But I work out of need not out of whim.

If you have a serious need ... I say a serious need ... then if you work don't offend God. But if the need isn't serious, sin.

See, Reverend, it is now a habit for me to work on Sundays. We almost all work in the shops. On the other hand, I rest on Monday; it does not matter.

It is not so! God prescribes rest on the public holiday and not the following day!

Patience! I will rest on Sunday! ... I must therefore resign myself to becoming poorer!

By working the party, did you get rich in the past?


It is not the festive work that enriches; it is God's blessing. Sunday work is cursed by God; what you earn on Sunday, you lose on Monday. So, be careful not to work without a serious need; in this case, you must work with the door closed or ajar, so that nobody has to see you and take a scandal.

But this law of God is too delicate!

it is useless to argue! Since God gave the third commandment, it must be observed!

Fourth Commandment
Did you respect your parents?

They are already dead ... and thank goodness! ... How ... less evil? ... Did you not want them good?

Here's how things are! In recent years, as they were already old, they made themselves unbearable. They made me get angry often and then I no longer measured the words. On the contrary, I remember once in anger I pushed my mother and made her fall to the ground. She cried that time ... But then I regretted it.

And have your children been able to educate them?

Do not ask me about this, because my children are very polite. She inquired with the neighbors! Even the children of many and so were educated! ... I intend to talk about religious and moral education.

My children are very moral; never in the courtroom, never a fight, never a dishonor in the house!… Since I had three children, being few, I was able to educate them well!

You have three children! ... But was it the Lord who sent you so few, or was it your fault?

Reverend, and how could a family run if there were seven or eight children?

Don't you know that preventing God's creative work is one of humanity's gravest sins?

It will be! ... But in front of need it is useless to speak!

So, you did wrong to get married! You could remain celibate and live in peace!

Yes, don't marry me ... All young people marry! However, I believe that the real sin is when an eight or nine month old creature dies.

This is crime! It's murder! Either way, either promise to God to get right or I won't give you absolution!

Father, but you are strict! What does it matter to you if I have three children or seven? I have to think about the affairs of my house.

At this moment I am the Minister of a great Sacrament; I have to protect the law of God. I don't care if you have a son or ten; but because you are married, you have very serious obligations before the Creator. If you do not want to obey the law of the Lord, my acquittal remains invalid, indeed I would commit a mortal sin if I administered a sacrament badly. Make up your mind!

Actually ... I would not be willing ... Then it would be better for me to confess later ... in three or four years!

Confession in several years?! ... But are you sure to stay alive? Don't you see how many who are younger than you die? And returning in a few years, will you then have repentance for the wrong done? ... If there is no true repentance, God will not forgive! ... Unfortunately, many deluded people do as you say; they believe that God can be joked! ... Woe to these souls! ...

I see that the deal is more important than I thought! But how will we do at home if the Lord sends another child?

God is great! ... Observe his law and you will have his blessing! ... I know worker families with many children and I see that they are better than other families where there is a son or two.

But see, Father, everyone does as I do! Does that mean that all of them will go to hell?

If they do not recover, they will damage themselves inexorably! God is right! Woe to those who do not want to submit to his law!

Marriage is a cross; whoever wants to change the cross for fun, will perish forever!

Well ... I put myself in the hands of God! ... We hope that He will help me!

Good boy! Trust in God! ... Answer more questions! Have you thought about having your children baptized immediately?

One was baptized immediately, after three or four months; the other two, a boy and a girl, twins, were baptized after about eight months, for the reason that my godfather was to come from America.

Delaying a month's baptism without a serious reason, or two months without a very serious reason, is a mortal sin. Our Bishop has now ordered not to let the twenty days go by. And since the Bishop in his diocese can give such orders, those who disobey are guilty of serious sin.

But who can ever know all these things?

You are required to know them, because everything is explained in the Churches. The fault is yours, because you do not attend the Church and do not listen to the preaching.

He's right!

And did your children receive first Communion at seven?

I can't say. The female does; as a child she went to church with her mother and I know she communicated. The males, if I'm not mistaken, communicated each other on the wedding day.

Bad! The father must take an interest not only in giving material bread to his children, but in making the law of God fully observed in the family. Me if you have not thought of your soul, how could you think of that of your children? ... See how much responsibility before the Lord! And when your children were still at home before they married, did they go to Mass on Sunday?

They had to think about this! What do I have to do with the sins of my children?

The father and mother are responsible for these transgressions of the children, as long as they are in the paternal home ... About your three children ... have you left them free in choosing the state?

What does it mean?

Maybe the boys wanted to become priests and the woman wanted to become a nun, and you opposed it?

My children Priests? ... They are enemies of the Priests! ... They don't even want to hear about them! Other than becoming Priests!

And the daughter?

Her daughter did! ... By always going to church, she had the desire to become a nun. I remember that when she spoke to me about it the first time, I gave her two slaps, adding: "I will break your head if you talk to me more about these things! ... You must marry! »She did not want to go to marriage; but since I am in charge at home, I forced him to accept the hand of a young man. For two years she has been married and settled; but I don't see her so happy!

You have done very badly! You will give a very close account to God! ... By now you cannot repair the wrong done! Remember that parents are the custodians of their children and sin when they violate their freedom ... I now ask you questions about the fifth commandment of God. What I ask of you, it must serve as an accusation and an instruction.

Fifth Commandment
Do you know what this commandment prescribes?

I don't know ... precisely. I know that the law of God is not to hurt anyone.

Fifth Commandment «Don't kill! »

I have nothing to say about this. You can spare yourself from questioning me.

However, it is right that I ask you something. Respond! You are certainly not a murderer; you have never stained your hands with human blood. Have you tried to take your own life?

Not attempted ... never attempted. Sometimes I would have liked to do it, but I didn't have the courage; I thought about the children and the wife and I stayed. In all my life it has happened to me two or three times, in moments of discouragement.

This too is a sin. Life is given by God and we cannot take it away. Being already willing to commit suicide before the Creator is a crime. Know now that the neighbor can be killed not only with a weapon, but also with desire. Have you wished someone to die?

I, Father, am as good as bread; but when I see the arrogance, they don't think anymore! Once a guard made me a fine ... but unjustly. I would have killed him ... I don't know how I restrained him! If it weren't for fear of jail, I would have done some nonsense that time.

Ask God for forgiveness for this lack! ... Have you enjoyed the evil of others?

I am sorry for the harm of friends, as for personal evil; but when a misfortune happens to those who have offended me, I enjoy it immensely! By the way: that offender guard destroyed the house with bombs. When I knew it, I felt so much joy and exclaimed: If that bomb had been more judicious, it would have had to fall on the guard's head!

All this is a mortal sin!

And why? Maybe the guard didn't miss me first? I wish good to those who do me good and I wish evil to those who do me harm!

However, Jesus Christ says differently: "Do good to those who harm you." «Forgive those who offend you» ... «Pray for those who persecute you». Instead, you do the opposite.

So, in your opinion, I should benefit from that guard ... I should almost say to him: Thanks for the fine! ...? Ah, that's too much! I cannot forget the offense received and as long as I am alive I will hate it! He deserves!

And I can't give you absolution.

For what reason?

Because Jesus Christ says: "If you do not wholeheartedly forgive your brother, that is, your neighbor, not even your Heavenly Father will forgive your sins!

But you, Father, understand what sacrifice it is to forgive an enemy? ... it is a sacrifice that cannot be done!

Since God commands it, it can and must be done! Jesus too was innocently put on the cross; he could have avenged himself by instantly killing his crucifixors, yet he forgave them and prayed for them.

In practice what should I do? You must remove all hatred and rancor from your heart; you must pray for him; do not wish him badly; and if the opportunity arises to do him a good thing, be generous! ... You must love your neighbor!

And should I make such a great sacrifice for the sake of that guard? ... Not so much for his sake, as for the love of God, because God commands you.

And patience ... both for God's sake!

Did you send curses?

Of course! Out of mouth out of habit!

Do you sometimes send them wholeheartedly?

According to the cases; but sometimes I regret it.

Never swear at anyone! God forbids it. Would you like it if others swore at you?

I can't like it!

So don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you ... Have you given bad advice?

Always good advice!… It is not right to advise evil!

Yet if one is not careful in speaking, one could stain the soul with some bad advice. Since you haven't confessed to it for a long time, try to recall a few words ... or suggestions ... or persuasion ... that pushed others to sin. ... Yes ... I already remember something ... but I think it is nonsense. Say what you remember!

The other time a friend of mine came to the shop; he was distressed because his wife had betrayed him. The woman left the country with a lover. Poor fellow, he was almost crying! He said to me: "And how can I live alone? "To do him good, to fix him, I replied:" Don't worry! There is such a lady ... who was left by her husband. You take her home and she will be your wife. ' In fact, my advice was blessed by God. Both he and she are happy now; they love each other immensely. Ah, when it comes to doing good, I always come up!

What you have suggested has been a very serious evil! You will give God the bad advice!

Bad advice? ... How? ...

I got two people out of the way! ...

Your religious ignorance is the cause of so much evil. When a woman is abandoned by her husband and goes to live with another man, she becomes an adulteress. As long as the real husband is alive, the woman must remain alone. This teaching was given by Jesus Christ.

When this is so, I was wrong; but I did it right ... because everything I do is never bad.

Remember any other bad advice?

Already! Speaking of husband and wife, another little thing comes to mind. Last year, walking with a friend, we entered into familiar matters. The friend said: I am desperate! I have seven children and soon I will have another!

Stupid, I replied, how do you live with eight children ... these days? ... It's your fault! ... Do like me: Two or three children, at best, and that's it! But how could I do, added the other, if the children are grown up now? ... Should I kill them and go to jail? No, I replied; the grandetti that are now there remain; but the eighth son, make him disappear. Nobody will know. In fact, my friend followed my advice and after a few months came to thank me.

And don't you think this advice is bad?

Yes ... and no ... Poor man, how did he live with eight children? ...

You are guilty of a crime before God! If you hadn't given that bad suggestion, the crime wouldn't have happened.

But what a crime! He was a four or five month old baby!

Even for a month, even for a day or an hour ... it is always a crime, as it is a crime to kill a young man or an old man. For this bad advice you have an excommunication on you, which only the Bishop can take away from you; only your Bishop can absolve your sin.

How do you mean?

Since killing children is a crime, the Bishops instantly excommunicate who kills a child, who helps kill and who has given bad advice. Luckily you came to me to confess, since the Bishop, very special please, gave me this faculty, which the other Priests of the country do not have ... I don't think you have given other bad advice!

As you speak, other things come to mind! I also remember that more than once I advised young men to escape with his girlfriend and I advised a boy not to become a priest. The boy was good and intelligent; he would have liked to go to seminary to study; but I told him many things, until I made him lose the desire to become a priest. Now he is a daredevil, he has taken a bad turn and I regret the advice given to him.

And this is the Commandment you wanted to skip! Did you find it useless for me to ask you questions!? ...

Let's move on to another point of the law of God.

Sixth and ninth Commandments
Have you sinned of dishonesty?

Wait a minute! ... What do you care about these things? ... It is not fair to ask such a question! ... Some things ... do not confess!

My friend, do you pretend to know more than the Priest? If not, if necessary, I would not ask you such a question! ... Do you know the Sixth Commandment?

I do not know him!

I tell you: "Do not fornicate" or do not commit dishonesty. And I also teach you the ninth commandment: "Do not desire the woman of others", that is, flee even bad thoughts and bad desires. Just as the failings made against the other commandments must be confessed, so dishonesty must be confessed.

But I ask you: Why are you having difficulty manifesting this kind of sin? Here, my difficulty is that I feel ashamed to confess certain things and I don't know how to say them!

We must be ashamed of doing these sins and not of confessing them. For the way of expressing yourself, don't worry; be careful of my questions. Did you willingly stop to think or desire what God forbids about morality?

Eh, Father, we are men ... the head always works! ... Now I have my years on my shoulders and these thoughts are not frequent; but until the age of forty, such thoughts and desires were very frequent. But thoughts and nothing else! ... What you want, you look everywhere, you see attractive things and people ... and since I'm not made of wood ... I run after the thought! By not hurting anyone, looking and even wishing, I believe he has not sinned.

You should read the gospel! Jesus Christ says, addressing men: If someone has looked at a woman for a bad end, he has already sinned in his heart!

So how many sins will I have on my conscience? ... Certainly more than the hair on my head!

Guard your eyes!… Do not forget that the eyes are the windows through which the devil enters the soul!

But is every look and every thought against honesty a sin?

If you do this absently, without thinking ... you are not responsible; but if you notice what you do or think and want to stop in your mind what God forbids, you commit a mortal sin from time to time. So I tell you to be vigilant!… Have you visited dangerous places or bad companies?

I always run away from bad people; this is why I have always lived honored. Who knows ... as a young man ... as a military man ... did you go down certain streets ... did you enter certain houses?

And of course! ... I have recommended it to others too!

At this moment you should cry the evil done with tears of blood! Humble yourselves before God and firmly propose to change your conduct in this regard! ... Have you given dishonest or scandalous speeches? ...

Eh, Father, who is in the world what should he talk about? Either we talk about money or we talk about dishonest things. But don't believe that I'm the only one making such speeches! All without distinction, men and women, indeed more women than men!

Have you had a bad habit of bad language for a long time?

As a boy! ... My first teacher in this matter was the master, from whom I went to work.

Have you sometimes spoken outrageously in the presence of boys? Eh, the boys! ... But they know more than the old ones! Only a few times did I speak in front of two boys, brothers; they knew nothing and I was the first to educate them ...

That is, you first shocked them! But do you know what Jesus Christ says about it? "Woe to anyone who gives scandal! It would be better if he tied a millstone to the neck of the scandalous man and fell into the sea »! And this "woe" Jesus Christ pronounced it for you!

And then I promise not to hold dishonest speeches in the presence of the innocent anymore!

To never do absolutely, if no acquittal you will not have!

But if I talk about certain things ... before who knows more about me, what harm could there be?

it's always a shame! Speaking, you think; behind the thought comes desire. And didn't I tell you that bad thoughts and desires are sins? And then ... those who listen to you, since they are not made of wood, they also sin ... and the more they listen, the more serious the fault of the speaker becomes!

In practice how should I behave?

Never give bad speeches, never listen to them willingly, flee the company of those who vomit mud from the mouth and if someone would dare to speak shamefully in your presence, reproach him, without fear of criticism!

She, Father, is too rigorous! ... She gives so much importance to words! ... But words ... are words! ... I don't think God is as demanding as she is!

Don't you think so? Here is what Jesus Christ teaches in the Gospel: "Of every idle word that men will have said, they will account for it on the day of judgment"!

I see that things are going thin ... and poor me!

Do not be discouraged! ... If you had been educated and guarded as a child as a child, if you had attended the sacraments as a boy ... you would have no wonder now of my instructions. The tree straightens itself!

He's quite right!

Have you read bad books ... immoral novels?

Here: I attended the third grade and I have little education, but I always liked to read. I read a lot and anything.

Have you had any scandalous books in your hands?

Different and different; but they were not mine; they loaned them to me. I have only three books I own. Are good?

They are instructive! They certainly cannot go into the hands of boys and young men; they are books for married people.

Do they contain dishonest instructions?

Sure! ... But, I keep them in the drawer and I will soon give them only to those adults.

Know that reading immoral books and lending them is also a serious sin. Since this is so, I will no longer lend them to anyone; I will keep them under lock and key.

You have to burn them! it is also a pity to keep a bad book.

And what is the reason?

Reading a bad book, bad thoughts and desires arise immediately; and this is bad. Keeping such a book preserved, one day or another the desire to pick it up and read it may come; it is a strong temptation; it is like a snake under the pillow!… Now ask God for forgiveness of the sins done with bad reading and of the sins committed by those to whom you lent the bad books; you have lent so many and you have so many sins in your soul ...

I ask you a question that may relate to the past: Have you been a lover of dancing?

Now I don't think about it anymore; but up to thirty years, dancing was my passion!

Did you put a certain malice on the dance?

Eh, as a young man, almost always! ... What he wants is youth who enjoys life! ...

God forgive you for the wrong done!… Have you seen immoral cinema and variety?

This too is a strong habit of mine!… Every Sunday evening, if I don't go to the cinema, I don't think it's a party!

You could save the money and go to church to listen to the sermon! ... At least, did you have the attention to inquire if a film was good or bad?

Ah, the films I see are all good and beautiful! They are a masterpiece. I have so much fun.

And have you ever found yourself in front of certain scenes ... certain paintings ... that harassed your mind ... to have witnessed, in short, some non-moral representation? I understand! Father, in cinema today these things cannot be missing; when there are few such scenes and when they are continuous ... Sometimes I have heard certain spectators exclaim: "Shame! ... I go out of this room! ... These dirty things do not present themselves to the public"

This is what the others said! And what did you say?

Me? ... Nothing! ... I stayed to watch and enjoy! ... that's why you go to the cinema ... to enjoy! Since men and women are attracted to these scenes ... that's why cinemas are always packed!

Don't you see that these films are immoral? ... Don't go there! ... When you are sure that sometimes a film is visible to everyone, then go. But remember that the less you go to the cinema, the better.

But if everyone did this, the movie theaters would remain empty many evenings! ... The poor manager would lose his expenses!

Better this way! ... Earn the bread in another way! The managers of indecent representations commit huge sins, because they spoil the morality of the people. If one of them came to me to confess ... I would deny him absolution. Cinemas today are the antechamber of hell! ...

Remember, to conclude on the sixth commandment, to respect your body, treating it as you would treat a sacred vessel, as you would respect the Chalice of the Mass!

Now I understand many things, Father! ... You are right! ... But if you were to be in the world as you say ... beware of certain things ... avoid certain speeches ... do not read immoral books ... dance without malice ... escape the cinema ... what a life it would be ours? ... In the world it takes enjoyment!

Lawful enjoyment yes; the immoral, no! ... We are in this land to save our soul, following the divine teachings. To follow Jesus Christ and go to Heaven it is necessary to make sacrifices, otherwise there is hell ... eternal fire!

Then will all those who give themselves to the above-mentioned amusements go to Hell?

If they do not stop and do not return repentant to God, they will give themselves inexorably!

But what do you want, Reverend, the world is like this! God himself wanted to do it this way!

It is not true! ... it is human evil that perverts certain things! ... And the Lord curses the world for his dishonesty! One day Jesus Christ said: "Woe to the world for its scandals! it is impossible that the scandal does not happen; but woe to the man for whose fault the scandal will occur! »Have you heard what the Lord says? ... Whoever wants to go to Heaven, live in the world without getting muddy!

Seventh and tenth commandment
Changing the subject, let's see if there is any lack in the practice of this point of the law of God.

And what does the seventh commandment say?

«Seventh: Don't steal! »

Ah, that's too much! ... Ask me questions to find out if he stole!? ... There isn't a more honest worker in town than I am. To steal? Never! ... Poor yes, but never a thief! ... I earn my bread with these blessed hands!

You are right! However ... some questions I have to ask! it is always for your sake.

Go ahead ... but you will find my conscience clear! In this regard, I feel pure as Virgin Mary ... taking away my sins!

You know that thieves are not only those who are in prison; most thieves are free. It is not only a man who steals by hand that should be considered a thief, but someone who defrauds others in the stuff is also a thief. Having said that, answer: Have you worked conscientiously?

Always conscientiously!

Have you charged your work more than fair?

Here, I behave like this: Is a customer in need? I ask him little. Does a rich man show up? He must pay for himself and for those who have paid little.

It is not exact! Do well, if you can, to help the needy; is it not justice to ask the rich man what he owes you ... And the goods you sell, the works you perform, undergo alterations or falsifications?

Necessarily! ... If you don't cheat a little in the sale, how can you live? After all everyone does so! Do you sell wine? It stretches with water ... Does it sell wheat flour? You mix it with something foreign. Do you pack a pair of shoes? In the sun, it slightly falsifies. The customer cannot notice, because externally the work is in order.

And this doesn't seem stolen to you? If they gave you fake money for the job, what would you say?

I would rebel!

So, be careful not to cheat people! ... Have you ever made a mistake in giving money, or in receiving it?

hardly; and when this happened, I thanked God for the providence he had.

This is stealing!

But, Father, they mistakenly give me some more money and I have to give it back? ... I realize that I didn't notice it Once I got a pair of pants in a shop and I was going to pay for them; since there was a lot of customer competition, seeing that I was unnoticed, I left without paying ...

Very bad!

But these shopkeepers steal a lot of money! ... They charge the goods an eye!

If they are thieves, you do not have to be a thief! ... Have you returned the stuff found?

I never find anything! Once or twice I happened to find some thousand tickets and I returned it to the owner. Once only, many years ago, a client's wallet fell into my shop. Since I needed money in those days, I wanted to take advantage. However, Father, I found a few thousand lire only. I was disappointed! I was hoping to find much more!

This is theft! ... Have you done any other injustice, for example, in weight?

In my shop you simply work; nothing weighs. But twenty years ago I had a small shop and ordinarily cheated in weight; but little stuff! The weights were double; when boys or simple people came, I put false weights. Nobody ever noticed the trick ... because I'm smart and I can do my things well!

You have committed other injustices ... for example ... traveling ... buying goods on behalf of others ... etc ... ?

As for travel, I am careful; but when I can do without paying some tickets, due to the negligence of the conductor, I do it willingly. Speaking of buying on behalf of others, a friend once gave me a hundred thousand lire to buy him a suit in the city. I could have it for eighty thousand and so I earned twenty thousand lire.

This is also stealing!… Have you given money on loan during your lifetime?

At present I am looking for who can lend it to me. Since in my thirties my business was booming, I put aside about a million lire. My wife advised me to get the money back on loan. I think there is no harm in that!

And how much interest have you requested?

What the Holy Church wants. Always the right ... never take advantage. They gave me ten percent.

Every year?…

Please! ... every three months!

Therefore it is no longer ten percent; it is forty percent per year; it is a mortal sin to do so! ... it is worse than going to steal.

But, much less could not be asked!

Then it is better not to lend money! ... Of all these injustices, ask God for forgiveness and you must repair the harm done to others. If you know someone you have defrauded, compensate them in any way either with money or with work ... If you cannot now, do it when you are able to do it.

But when the others defraud me, they don't come to repair the damage… And do I have to do it?

There is no middle ground: either restitution or damnation. And if you don't have the will to repair injustice, I can't give you absolution.

But what I did I do it all. Trade is like this.

If others are thieves, you have no right to be thieves. So promise.

And patience ... we promise ...

Answer this question again: are you happy with your condition or do you crave the wealth of others?

Father, this question is curious! ... Of course I'm not happy with my condition ... I live in a small house and that rich man in a big palace! ... I have to feed on bread and legumes and the other one makes delicious lunches! ...

Desiring to have what is necessary or to improve one's condition decently is not a sin. Wanting the superfluous is not fair!

But in the meantime the rich enjoy it! ...

Sara! They may enjoy a few years ... but then they will give an account to God! Jesus Christ says: "Woe to the rich! ... it is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle than for a rich man to enter Paradise! »

It really is so! They deserve hell! They don't work, they give themselves to all pleasures, they waste money on luxury and they don't want to do charity!

But not everyone is like that

All without distinction! ... I know many.

So, you are content to have health, a house to live in and a shop to work. Look at those who are worse off than you! ... Jesus Christ was also a poor worker. Do not forget that dying brings nothing to the grave! ...

Let us examine your conscience on the eighth commandment which would be the last, according to the questions to be asked of you.

Eighth Commandment
What is this Commandment about?

Eighth: «Don't say false testimony! »

Oh! It is the Commandment that I like most! ... Reverend, I told him at the first meeting: I never made a false testimony! I have never been to court! ... and neither has my father and my children! ... Do you want to ask questions about this Commandment?

I will do them ... because not only is false testimony a sin in court, but also elsewhere.

Then, ask well! I am sure that at least in the last Commandment I will have nothing to reproach myself for.

Are you a sincere man?

Sincerissimo! I am "Santa Chiara of Naples"!

Do you sometimes tell lies ... at work ... at home ... among friends?

Reverend, if the lie is said, it is never said badly, only to do good. And my lies are nonsense ... shop lies!

The lie is never lawful. If sometimes it is not prudent to tell the truth, one is silent.

You must understand that if we workers do not tell customers the lies, our shop dies.

. Have you sworn on the lie?

Often. But always for small things.

To swear on lies, warily, even on trifles, is a grave sin.

If I don't swear, nobody believes me. I have to swear necessarily. And I too force others to swear, when they assure me of something I fear is false.

It hurts to easily request the oath of others, because you put them in danger of falsely swearing ...

Have you slandered anyone?

Never! ... Who slanders, it hurts!

Since you haven't confessed to yourself for many years, try to remember better some of the shortcomings perhaps committed.

My conscience is free. I never blamed someone innocently.

Have you manifested to others any serious hidden guilt of others?

This can happen! But I always talk about things that I have seen with my own eyes ... things seen and touched by hand. For example, some time ago I realized that a man entered late in the evening in a family, adjacent to mine. I resolved to observe him and several times I realized that he was not behaving righteously. When I was sure of the fact, since I have no hair on the tongue, I first talked about it at home, then in the shop to some customers and with a few weeks the district was full of everything.

You have done a serious sin.

The man had missed; but his phallus was hidden; you had no right to publish it ...

But they were safe ... observed several times with my own eyes!

It doesn't matter ... Would you like it if others made public a deficiency that you had committed in secret?

I would not like it.

So ... we must not do to others what we do not want us to do ...

Have you related the evil heard against him to someone?

Always good! ... Someone spoke badly of a friend of mine and said big ones. I, out of benevolence towards my friend, went to tell him everything ... but always for good! I remember, however, that once a man, to whom I had reported the things heard against him, became very angry, went in search of the murmurs and slapped him; these took the knife to avenge the slap ... and thank goodness people rushed, otherwise some crime could have happened!

Always good ... is it true? Think what the Holy Spirit teaches. Have you heard anything against your brother? Let her die in you!

And did you know how to keep the secrets?

Ah, we men are not like women! When they tell me a secret, it always remains secret. At most I confide it to my wife, or to some friends.

But are you sure that your wife or friend will keep the secret? ... When they make you a confidence, you must not talk about it with anyone! ... Have you suspected or misjudged your neighbor?

If one does not suspect, it is easily put in the bag. I suspect ... always for good ... and so I always fall on my feet ... Nobody acts with sincerity; four faces are shown ... and it is necessary to think evil.

Your conduct is not commendable. When you have a good reason to suspect, it is not bad to do so; but without a plausible reason it is not lawful to suspect and even worse to judge badly. Jesus Christ says: «Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned. With the same measure you measure others, it will be measured to you ». Do you want to be condemned by God?

For charity!

Then think well of your neighbor. Promise now to God to be more vigilant in the observance of the Eighth Commandment and especially propose to avoid murmuring and not willingly listen to those who murmur. Whoever speaks badly has the devil in his mouth; and who listens willingly, has the devil in his ears ...

So we have finished the questions on the Commandments of God. Now we take a fleeting glance at some General Precepts of the Church.

Mercy! ... Are there still sins? ... You have to lose your head!

There is nothing to lose ... Everything to gain.

The precepts of the Church
The first precept was already examined when I asked you about the festive Mass. The fourth precept does not concern you much, because you are poor and have no means of helping the Church. The fifth is no longer of interest to you, because you are already married; I stop on the second and third.

Have you eaten meat on forbidden days and have you missed fasting on the prescribed days?

I have never understood these things.

I'll explain it to you. These are provisions given by the Pope, Head of the Catholic Church.

Fridays do not eat meat, or black pudding or the entrails of warm-blooded animals. However, you can make up for that day with some other good work.

In Lent, meat is not eaten on all Fridays and Ash Day, that is, the day after Carnival, which is the first day of Lent.

Up to fourteen years of age, this ecclesiastical law is not required. After the age of fourteen, this precept has no age limit.

The sick and those with some serious reason are exempt. But in this case it is advisable to supply with some other good work.

Fasting is prescribed twice a year: Ash Day and Good Friday. Those who are twenty-one years of age and up to fifty-nine years old are required to fast. The sick are dispensed, those who are too weak and those who work very hard. They were advised to make up for fasting with some other good work.

He can fast like this: for breakfast, those who feel the need are allowed a very light food. Coffee does not break the fast. At lunch everything is allowed, in quantity and quality, except meat. Dinner is very moderate. You can reverse lunch with dinner.

As you can see, it is easy to do these small penances.

Now that I know, I'll be careful. And then, there is my wife who knows all these things and can remember them.

Have you abused drinking wine?

Father, touch a delicate button! For us workers, wine is like milk for children! It's not my fault if I drink a little too much; is the need. I could do without bread; but to do without wine?!…

Do you drink so much to get drunk?

Up to this point, no! ... I'm happy! Sometimes I seem too happy to friends and then someone takes me by the arm and accompanies me home.

But when I'm happy, I don't hurt anyone. When I get home, I lie down and everything ends.

Pay attention to what I say to you: A little wine is not bad to drink it; too much is bad. When you come to lose your reason because of too much wine and you are no longer master of yourself, you seriously offend the Lord.

I will be more careful ... and so I will spend less money. Ah, what a bad habit ... I see it too! Father, pity me! Do you know why I drank a lot of wine? ... Because I was very thirsty! I hope to be more moderate.

I admire and praise your goodwill ...

I fly over this precept. I have already asked you the necessary questions at the beginning of Confession.

To tell the truth, I don't remember what orders this precept.

Confess at least once a year and communicate at least at Easter.

Yeah, that told me! So every year I will have to confess and communicate. Only once a year ... is that true?

No, only! But at least! At least it means that it is better to receive these sacraments often. The more you wash your face, the cleaner it stays. Try to stay a year without washing! ... How will your face become?

Cleaning is necessary; the face cannot stay long without water. When washing, dust and fat are removed and man breathes better; even when your face is clean, you wash to cool off and you are better off!

Very well! ... What you do for your face, do it also for the soul. When you confess, clean your conscience, refresh your spirit, you feel better. Have you seen how many sins you had in your soul? I found your conscience like a face that hasn't been washed for many years. So confess often, for example, in the main holidays of the year, or on the first Friday of the month. And so you can communicate frequently. it is so beautiful to receive Jesus!

I would also add this that, just as there is a serious moral obligation to receive Jesus in Easter time, there is also a serious obligation to receive Communion as a Viaticum at the end of life. Responsibility lies with the patient and family members.

Your confession is over. Have you been sincere, or have you hidden some serious sin out of shame? If so, while you are on time, repair; otherwise your Confession becomes sacrilegious, since God will not forgive you neither the hidden sin nor those confessed.

I don't think there are other shortcomings! She has been able to take away all my sins, as if she had had the tongs.

And then prepare yourself for absolution.

Think, my dear, how many offenses you have brought to the Lord! You put Jesus on the Cross and you hurt his Heart! ... But Jesus is good and forgives you. Let his Blood come down to wash your soul and promise never to sin again. In the meantime, kiss this little Crucifix.

The worker is moved ... Look at Jesus on the Cross and kiss him sobbing: Lord, mercy ... forgive me! Looks like the tax collector. is truly repentant.

Meanwhile Father Serafino says the formula of absolution.

Since you cannot do great penances, you will listen to a Mass during the week and thus somehow repair the offenses made against God!

Antonio takes Father Serafino's hand and kisses it repeatedly; then he says: How happy I am! ... Never in my life have I felt so much joy in my heart! ... I feel light-hearted! ... I believe that if they weighed me, I would weigh less! ... What beauty! ... And how can this phenomenon be explained?

It is the grace of God which has descended into you. Jesus washed you with his blood.

But do all those who confess feel so much joy?

Only those who confess well, repent of sins and resolute not to offend the Lord anymore!

Since this is the case, I will want to go back to confession and tell my friends what I have tried!

Antonio left the Franciscan convent with brisk steps; he seemed to be reborn to new life.

Finally I found you! I've been to your house and you weren't there! I entered the tavern and didn't see you! ... But where have you been? ... And where do you go at such a quick pace?

Dear Nicolino, I have been to confess to Father Serafino and now I am going back home.

To confess? ... You? ... Like your wife? ... But go there, I lose your esteem! ... Let confess who does sins ... but do not confess you, that you are the flower of honesty! ...

So I thought so too until a few hours ago. But after what Father Serafino told me, I changed my mind. Listen Nicolino, confess too and then you'll agree with me.

And did Father Serafino give you money? ... If he gave me money, I would go and find it too ... so I would pay the landlord the backward to the innkeeper. But let's put this nonsense aside. Let's go have a good glass!

No, I'm not coming. I'm going home immediately. How? ... Renunciation of wine? ... And not only tonight, but also later. I will only want to drink wine at the table and in the right measure.

But have you gone mad? ...

I promised it to God and Father Serafino and I will keep my word.

Did you join the Priests? ... it's over ... You will lose all your friends ...

I don't care. My heart is so festive, that I don't mind even friendship ... I salute you. So saying, Antonio took his leave of Nicolino.

Bravo Antonio! Since you left the house, I have done nothing but pray! I also turned on the lamp to Our Lady so that I could confess you well! Have you revealed all the sins to the Priest, or have you forgotten someone?

Concetta, what do you say? You see that you don't know Father Serafino! He had the ability to track down all possible and imaginable sins! He knows all the sins of the world! .

And did he leave you happy? ...

Delighted! ... I'm bursting with joy! ... I don't even want to eat!

Bravo my husband! it is a sign that you really confessed yourself! Tomorrow morning we will go to the Parish together and receive Holy Communion.

And what will women say to see me communicate? ... They will marvel at it! ...

They will congratulate me! ... They will be sorry that their men do not do the same.

Concetta, I want to tell you that this day is the most beautiful day of my life! ... I never had such joy, not even the day we got married.

But didn't you go to confession that day?

Yes, but so to speak! ... It was a chat with the Priest, just to get the Confession ticket, if not I could not marry. The only true and sacred confession was that of this evening! ... I thank God!

How many men ... how many young men ... how many women ... should imitate this worker! ... They say: "I have no sins". They are liars! The Lord teaches us through Saint John the Apostle: "Whoever says he has no sins is a liar and deceives himself".

The sins, and serious, there are in many souls; but he pretends not to see them. it is a little hard to put so many moral miseries out of the heart and it is even harder to change your life and keep your passions in check. These blind volunteers, who say they have no sins ... have an ordinary conscience more charged than the others. Antonio, the honest worker, is the image of such souls!



It is very useful for souls who love perfection to take a spiritual thought at the beginning of each month, which serves as personal orientation and apostolate.

Have zeal to make it known, near and far, using all those means that an ardent charity suggests. Communicate by correspondence, attaching a note to the letters; let it penetrate into Religious Institutes and spread especially in the branches of Catholic Action. Those who publish newspapers, magazines or religious papers insert the Monthly Thought. For convenience, a list is presented.

January The name of God, three times holy, is continually outraged. it is the duty of children to repair the honor of the Father.

Practice: Listen to some Holy Mass during the week, and possibly communicate, in repair of the blasphemies.

Cumshot: Jesus bless you for those who curse you!

February The desecration of the feast hurts the Heart of God, who is jealous of his day.

Practice: Make sure that none of the family members neglect Mass or perform material work on holidays.

Ejaculatory: Glory, homage, adoration to the infinite and most august Trinity!

March Whoever communicates himself in disgrace of God, gives Jesus the kiss of betrayal, like Judas.

Practice: Communicating frequently and devoutly, to repair the sacrilegious Communions, which have taken place and will take place over the centuries.

Ejaculatory: Jesus, Eucharistic victim, forgive and convert sacrilegious souls!

April Every idle word will be accounted for by God on the day of judgment. How many words are said, not only idle, but also sinful!

Practice: Check what is being said and especially curb the tongue in times of impatience.

Ejaculatory: Forgive us, O God, the sins of language!

May Purity of heart and body brings joy, gives glory to God, attracts the gaze and blessing of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin and is a prelude to eternal glory.

Practice: Respect the body as a sacred vessel; guard the mind and heart.

Ejaculatory: O Lord, let your Blood descend upon me to fortify me.

June Three quarters of humanity are outside the Catholic Church. it is the duty of the faithful to repair and hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God in the world.

Practice: Make an Hour of Sacred Heart Guard every day for Jews, heretics and infidels.

Ejaculatory: Heart of Jesus, come your kingdom in the world!

July The fashion scandal and the freedom of the beaches are the driving force behind concupiscence. Woe to anyone who gives scandal, because he will give God his sins and others' s own account! ... Ah, what pain! Pray, suffer, repair!

Practice: Offer five small sacrifices every day to repair the fashion and beach scandals.

Ejaculatory: O Jesus, let your Blood come down to destroy the scandals of the world!

August How many sinners, on their deathbed, would escape hell if they prayed and suffered for them!

Practice: Offer Holy Communions for dying stubborn sinners!

Giaculatoria: O Jesus, for your agony on the Cross, have mercy on the dying!

September The tears of the Madonna shed on Calvary are precious before God. Little is thought of the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin!

Practice: Recite the novena to the Madonna of Pompei.

Ejaculatory: Praised, loved and consoled always, the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

October The Holy Rosary is the lightning rod of the soul, family and society.

Practice: Introduce the practice of the Rosary where it is not there; if it is recited with devotion and possibly in common.

Giaculatoria: My little angel, go to Maria Say that you greet Jesus for me!

November The scandals of cinema and the bad press outrage the Divinity, attract curses on the world, populate the hell of the damned and prepare a long and terrible Purgatory for many souls, slow to detach themselves from certain enjoyments.

Practice: Destroy the bad press that you have and spread this apostolate to the field of knowledge.

Giaculatoria: O Jesus, for the sweat of Blood in Gethsemane, pity on those who sow scandals!

December Many turn to God for forgiveness of sins; but not everyone wants and knows how to forgive offenses. Whoever does not forgive, will have no forgiveness!

Practice: Truncating all hatred and returning evil with good.

Ejaculatory: Bless, O Jesus, who has offended me and forgives my sins!


(Letter from Hell)

And Vicariatu Urbis, die 9 aprilis 1952

+ OLOYSIUS TRAIL Caesarien. Vicesgerens

The fact set out here is of exceptional importance. The original is in German; editions have been made in other languages.

The Vicariate of Rome gave permission to publish the writing. The "Imprimatur" of Rome is a guarantee of the translation from German and the seriousness of the terrible episode.

They are quick and terrible pages and tell of a standard of living in which many people of today's society live. The mercy of God, allowing the fact narrated here, raises the veil of the most frightening mystery that awaits us at the end of life.

Will souls take advantage of it? ...

Clara and Annetta, very young, worked in one: a commercial company in *** (Germany).

They were not linked by deep friendship, but by simple courtesy. They worked. every day next to each other and an exchange of ideas could not be missing: Clara declared herself openly religious and felt the duty to instruct and recall Annetta, when she proved to be light and superficial in terms of religion.

They spent some time together; then Annetta contracted marriage and left the company. In the autumn of that year, 1937, Clara spent her holidays on the shores of Lake Garda. In mid-September, Mum sent her a letter from her hometown: "Annetta N has died ... She was the victim of a car accident. They buried her yesterday in the "Waldfriedhof" ».

The news frightened the good young lady, knowing that her friend had not been so religious. Was she prepared to present herself before God? ... Dying suddenly, how did she find herself? ...

The following day he listened to Holy Mass and also made Communion in southern suffrage, praying fervently. The following night, 10 minutes after midnight, the vision took place ...

«Clara, don't pray for me! I'm damned. If I communicate it to you and I refer to you rather long; not. believe that this is done by way of friendship: We no longer love anyone here. I do it as forced. I do it as "part of that power that always wants evil and does good".

In truth I would like to see »and you too will land in this state, where I have now dropped my anchor forever:

Don't get angry with this intention. Here, we all think so. Our will is petrified in evil in what you call "evil". Even when we do something "good", as I do now, opening my eyes to hell, this does not happen with good intention.

Do you still remember that four years ago we met in * * *? You counted then; 23 years old and you were there. for half a year when I got there.

You got me out of some trouble; as a beginner, you gave me good addresses. But what does "good" mean?

I then praised your "love of neighbor". Ridiculous! Your relief came from pure coquetry, as, moreover, I had already suspected since then. We do not recognize anything good here. In none.

You know the time of my youth. I fill certain gaps here.

According to my parents' plan, to be honest, I shouldn't even have existed. "A misfortune happened to them." My two sisters were already 14 and 15 years old, when I tended to light.

I had never existed! I could now annihilate myself and escape these torments! No voluptuousness would match that with which I would leave my existence, like an ash suit, lost in nothingness.

But I must exist. I must exist as I made myself: with a failed existence.

When dad and mom, still young, moved from the countryside to the city both had lost contact with the Church. And it was better this way.

They sympathized with people not tied to the church. They met at a dancing meeting and half a year later they "had to" get married.

During the wedding ceremony, a lot of holy water remained attached to them, which the mother went to church for Sunday Mass a couple of times a year. He never taught me to really pray. He was exhausted in the daily care of life, although our situation was not uncomfortable.

Words, like praying, Mass, religious education, church, I say them with an unequaled whole repugnance. I abhor everything, as hatred: those who attend church and in general all men and all things.

From everything, in fact, there comes torment. Every knowledge received at the point of death, every: memory of things lived or known, is for us a prickly flame.

And all the memories show us that side which, in them: it was grace. and which we despised. What torment is this! We don't eat, we don't sleep, we don't walk with our feet. Spiritually chained, we look dazed "with screams and grinding teeth" our life gone 1n smoke:: hating and tormented!

Do you hear? Here we drink hatred like water. Also towards each other. Above all, we hate God.

I want you ... to make it understandable.

The Blessed in heaven must love him, because they see him without a veil, in his dazzling beauty. This beats them so much that it cannot be described. We know it and this knowledge makes us furious. .

Men on earth who know God from creation and revelation can love him; but they are not forced to. The believer says this by gritting his teeth which, brooding, contemplates Christ on the cross, with his arms outstretched, will end up loving him.

But the one whom God approaches only in the hurricane; as punisher, as righteous avenger, because one day he was repudiated by him, as happened to us, he can only hate him, with all the impetus of his evil will, eternally, by virtue of the free acceptance of beings separated from God: resolution with which, dying, we exhaled our soul and that even now we withdraw and we will never have the will to withdraw.

Do you understand now why hell lasts forever? Because our obstinacy will never melt away from us.

Forced, I add that God is merciful even to us. I say "forced". Because even if I say these things deliberately, I am not allowed to lie as I would like to. I affirm many things against my will. I also have to throttle the heat of insults, which I would like to vomit.

God was merciful to us by not letting our evil will run out on earth, as we would have been ready to do. This would have increased our sins and pains. He killed us prematurely, like me, or made other mitigating circumstances intervene.

Now he shows himself, merciful to us by not forcing us to get closer to him than we are in this remote hellish place; this lessens the torment.

Every step that would bring me closer to God would cause me a greater pain than what would bring you a step closer to a burning stake.

You got scared, when I once, during the walk, I told you that my father, a few days before my first Communion, had said to me: «Annettina, try to deserve a nice little dress; the rest is a frame. "

To your fright I would almost have even been ashamed. Now I laugh about it. The only reasonable thing in that frame was that admission to Communion was only twelve years old. I, then, was already quite taken by the craze of worldly entertainment, so that without scruples I put religious things into a song and I did not attach great importance to the first Communion.

That several children are now going to Communion at the age of seven, makes us furious. We do everything we can to make people understand that children lack adequate knowledge. They must first commit some mortal sins.

Then the white Particle no longer does so much harm in them, as when faith, hope and charity still live in their hearts! this stuff received in baptism. Do you remember how he already supported this opinion on earth?

I mentioned my father. He was often in dispute with mom. I alluded to it only rarely; I was ashamed of it. What a ridiculous shame of evil! For us, everything is the same here.

My parents didn't even sleep in the same room anymore; but me with mom, and dad in the adjoining room, where he could come home freely at any time. He drank a lot; in this way he squandered our heritage. My sisters were both employed and they themselves needed, they said, the money they earned. Mom started working to earn something.

In the last year of his life, dad often beat his mom when she didn't want to give him anything. To me instead. he was always loving. One day I told you and then, then, you bumped into my whim (what didn't you bump into about me?) One day he had to bring back, twice, the shoes bought, because the shape and the heels were not modern enough for me.

The night when my father was stricken with deadly apoplexy, something happened that I, for fear of a disgusting interpretation, never managed to confide in you. But now you need to know. It is important for this: then for the first time I was attacked by my current tormenting spirit.

I slept in the room with my mother. His regular breaths said his deep sleep.

When I hear myself called by name. An unknown voice tells me: «What will it be if Dad dies? ».

I no longer loved my father, since he treated his mother so rudely; as, moreover, I did not love absolutely anyone since then, but I was only fond of some people, who were good towards me. The hopeless love of earthly exchange, lives only in the souls in the state of Grace. And I wasn't.

So I answered the mysterious question, without realizing where it came from: «But it doesn't die! ».

After a short pause; again the same clearly perceived question. "But

it doesn't die! He ran away from me again, abruptly.

For the third time I was asked: "What if your father dies? ». It occurred to me how daddy often came home quite drunk, screeched, mistreated mom, and how he put us in a humiliating condition in front of people. So I screamed. «And it's fine! ».

Then everything was silent.

The next morning, when Mum wanted to put Father's room in order, she found the door locked. Around noon the door was forced. My father, half-dressed, lay dead on the bed. When he went to get the beer in the cellar, he must have had some accident. It had been sickly for a long time. (*)

(*) Had God tied the father's salvation to the good work of his daughter, towards which that man had been good? What responsibility for each one, to give up the opportunity to do good to others!

Marta K ... and you led me to join the "Youth Association". Actually, I never hid that I found the instructions of the two directors, young ladies X, in tune with fashion, parochial ...

The games were fun. As you know, I had a direct part in it. This suited me.

I also liked the trips. I even let myself be led a few times to go to Confession and Communion.

Actually, I had nothing to confess. Thoughts and speeches didn't matter to me. For more gross actions, I was not yet corrupt enough.

You admonished me once: «Anna, if you don't pray, go to perdition! ». I prayed very little and this too, only listlessly.

Then you were unfortunately right. All those who burn in hell did not pray, or did not pray enough.

Prayer is the first step towards God. And it remains the decisive step. Especially the prayer to the one who was the Mother of Christ, the name of which we never mention.

Devotion to her snatches countless souls from the devil, which sin would infallibly hand over to him.

I continue the story, consuming myself and only because I have to. Praying is the easiest thing man can do on earth. And it is precisely to this very easy thing that God has tied everyone's salvation.

To those who pray with perseverance he gradually gives so much light, fortifies him in such a way that in the end even the most bogged down sinner can definitely get up again. It was also flooded in the slime up to the neck.

In the last years of my life I no longer prayed as I should and I deprived myself of the graces, without which no one can be saved.

Here we no longer receive any grace. Indeed, even if we receive them, we will give them back

we would sniff cynically. All the fluctuations of earthly existence have ceased in this other life.

From you on earth man can rise from the state of sin to the state of Grace and from Grace fall into sin: often out of weakness, sometimes out of malice.

With death this rise and fall ends, because it has its root in the imperfection of earthly man. Now. we have reached the final state.

Already as the years go by, changes become rarer. It is true, until death you can always turn to God or turn your back on him. Yet, almost carried away by the current, man, before passing away, with the last weak remains in his will, behaves as he was used to in life.

Custom, good or bad, becomes second nature. This drags him with it.

So it also happened to me. For years I had lived far from God. This is why in the last call of Grace I resolved myself against God.

It wasn't the fact that I often sinned that was fatal to me, but that I didn't want to rise again.

You have repeatedly warned me to listen to the sermons, to read books of piety. "I don't have time," was my ordinary reply. We needed nothing more to increase my internal uncertainty!

Moreover, I must note this: since it was now so advanced, shortly before my exit from the "Association of Young People", it would have been enormously difficult for me to put myself on another path. I felt uneasy and unhappy. But a wall stood before the conversion.

You must not have suspected it. You represented it so simple when one day you said to me: "But make a good confession, Anna, and everything is fine."

I felt it would have been so. But the world, the devil, the flesh already held me too firmly in their claws. I never believed the influence of the devil. And now I testify that he has a strong influence on people who were in the condition I was in then.

Only many prayers, of others and of myself, combined with sacrifices and sufferings, could have snatched me from him.

And this too, only gradually. If there are few obsessed externally, of os, sexes internally there is a tingling. The devil cannot abduct the free will of those who give themselves to his influence. But in pain of their methodical apostasy from God, so to speak, he allows the "evil one" to nest in them.

I also hate the devil. Yet I like him, because he tries to ruin the rest of you; him and his satellites, the spirits that fell with him at the beginning of time.

They are counted in the millions. They wander the earth, dense as a swarm of midges, and you don't even notice it

It is not for us to try again to tempt you; this is, office of the fallen spirits. This really increases their torment every time they drag a human soul down here to hell. But what does hate never do?

Although I walked on paths far from God, God followed me.

I prepared the way to Grace with acts of natural charity which I did not infrequently by inclination of my temperament.

Sometimes God attracted me to a church. Back then I felt like a nostalgia. When I treated the sick mother, despite the office work during the day, and in some way I really sacrificed myself, these enticements of God acted powerfully.

Once, in the church of the hospital, where you had led me during the midday break, something came upon me that would have been a single step for my conversion: I cried!

But then the joy of the world passed again like a stream over Grace.

The wheat choked between the thorns.

With the declaration that religion is a matter of sentiment, as was always said in the office, I also trashed this invitation of Grace, like all the others.

Once you reproached me, because instead of a genuflection down to the ground, I just made a shapeless bow, bending my knee. You thought it an act of laziness. You did not even seem to suspect that since then I no longer believed in the presence of Christ in the Sacrament.

Hours, I believe it, but only naturally, as we believe in a storm whose effects can be seen.

In the meantime, I had made myself a religion in my own way.

I supported the view, which was common in the office, that the soul after death rises again into another being. In this way he would continue to pilgrim endlessly.

With this the anguished question of the afterlife was at once put in place and made harmless to me.

1 Why didn't you remind me of the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus, in which the narrator, Christ, sends, immediately after death, one to hell and the other to heaven? ... After all, what would you get? Nothing more than grin your other bigotry talk!

Gradually I created myself a God: sufficiently gifted to be called God; far enough from me to not have to maintain any relationship with him; I wander enough to leave myself, according to need, without changing my religion; resemble a pantheistic God of the world, or let himself be poetized as a solitary God.

This God had no paradise to give me and no hell to inflict on me. I left him alone. This was my adoration for him.

We like to believe what we like. Over the years I kept myself fairly convinced of my religion. This way you could live.

Only one thing would have broken my neck: a long, deep pain. IS

this pain did not come!

Do you now understand what it means: "God chastises those I loved"?

It was a Sunday in July, when the Association of young women organized a trip to * * *. I would have liked the tour. But those silly speeches, that bigoted i

Another simulacrum quite different from that of the Madonna of * * * recently stood on the altar of my heart. The handsome Max N…. of the adjacent shop. We had joked several times before.

Just for that, on Sunday, he had invited me on a trip. The one she usually went with was lying sick in the hospital.

He understood well that I had set my eyes on him. Marrying him I didn't think about it then. He was comfortable, but he behaved too kindly to all the girls. And I, until then, wanted a man who belonged only to me. Not just being a wife, but an only wife. In fact, I always had a certain natural etiquette.

In the aforementioned trip Max lavished himself on kindness. Eh! yeah, no pretense conversations were held as between you!

The next day; in the office, you reproached me for not having come with you to * * *. I described my amusement to you on that Sunday.

Your first question was: "Have you been to Mass? »Foolish! How could I, given that the departure was set for six ?!

You still know, like me, excitedly I added: «The good God does not have a mentality as small as your pretacks! ».

Now I must confess: God, despite his infinite goodness, weighs things with greater precision than all priests.

After that first trip with Max, I came once again to the Association: at Christmas, 'for the celebration of the party. There was something that enticed me to return. But internally I had already moved away from you:

Cinema, dance, trips went on and on. Max and I quarreled a few times, but I always knew how to chain him back to me.

The other lover succeeded in harassing me. After returning from the hospital, she behaved like an obsessed woman. Really luckily for me; for my noble calm made a powerful impression on Max, who ended up deciding, that I was the favorite.

I had been able to make him hateful, speaking coldly: on the outside positive, on the inside spewing poison. Such feelings and such demeanor prepare excellently for hell. They are diabolical in the strictest sense of the word.

Why am I telling you this? To report how I definitively detached myself from God. Not already, moreover, that between me and Max it has come very often to the extremes of familiarity. I understood that I would have lowered myself to her eyes if I had let myself go completely ahead of time; therefore I was able to hold back.

But in itself, whenever I thought it useful, I was always ready for anything. I had to conquer Max. Nothing was too expensive for that. Furthermore, we gradually loved each other, possessing both not a few precious qualities, which made us esteem each other. I was skilled, capable, of pleasant company. So I firmly held Max in my hand and managed, at least in the last months before the wedding, to be the only one, to possess him.

In this consisted my apostasy to give God: to raise a creature to my idol. In no way can this happen, so that it embraces everything, as in the love of a person of the opposite sex, when this love remains stranded in earthly satisfactions. This is what forms the. its attractiveness, its stimulus and its, poison.

The "adoration" which I paid to myself in the person of Max became for me a lived religion.

It was the time when in the office I poisoned myself against church churches, priests, indulgences, the muttering of rosaries and similar nonsense.

You have tried, more or less wisely, to take the defense of such things. Apparently without suspecting that in the innermost part of me it was not really about these things, I was rather looking for support against my conscience then I needed such support to justify my apostasy also with reason.

After all, I turned against God. You did not understand him; it holds me, I still call you a Catholic. Indeed, I wanted to be called that; I even paid ecclesiastical taxes. A certain "counterinsurance", I thought, could not harm.

Your answers may have hit the mark sometimes. They didn't hold on to me, because you didn't have to be right.

Because of these distorted relationships between the two of us, the pain of our detachment was petty when we separated on the occasion of my marriage.

Before the wedding I confessed and communicated once again, It was prescribed. My husband and I thought the same on this point. Why shouldn't we have completed this formality? We also completed it, like, the other formalities.

You call such an Communion unworthy. Well, after that "unworthy" Communion, I was more calm in my conscience. Moreover, it was also the last.

Our married life was generally in great harmony. On all points of view we were of the same opinion. Even in this: that we did not want to bear the burden of the children. Actually my husband would have gladly wanted one; no more, of course. In the end, I was also able to turn him away from this desire.

Dress, luxury furniture, tea hangouts, trips and car trips and similar distractions mattered more to me.

It was a year of pleasure on earth that passed between my wedding and my sudden death.

We went out by car every Sunday, or visited my husband's relatives. I was ashamed of my mother now. They floated to the surface of existence, neither more nor less than us.

Internally, of course, I never felt happy, however externally I laughed. There was always something indeterminate inside me, which was gnawing at me. I wished that after death, which of course must still be very far away, everything was over.

But it is just like that, as one day, as a child, I heard in a sermon: that God rewards every good work that one does, and when he cannot reward it in the other life, he does it on earth.

Unexpectedly I had an inheritance from Aunt Lotte. My husband happily managed to bring his salary to a substantial sum. So I was able to order the new home attractively.

Religion only sent its light, lackluster, weak and uncertain, from afar.

The city's cafes, hotels, where we went on trips, certainly didn't bring us to God.

All those who frequented those places lived, like us, from the outside. inside, not from inside to outside.

If during the holidays we visited some church, we tried to recreate ourselves. in the artistic content of the works. The religious breath that expired, especially the medieval ones, I knew how to neutralize it by criticizing some ancillary circumstances: a clumsy converse friar or dressed in an unclean way, who acted as a guide; the scandal that monks, who wanted to pass for pious, sold liquor; the eternal bell for the sacred functions, while it is a question of making money ...

So I was able to continually chase away from me the Grace every time he knocked. I let free rein in my mood especially on certain medieval representations of hell in cemeteries or elsewhere, in which the devil roasts souls in red and incandescent brage, while his long-tailed companions drag new victims to him. Clara! Hell you can make a mistake in drawing it, but you never go overboard.

I have always targeted the fire of hell in a special way. You know how during an altercation, I once held a match under your nose and said sarcastically: "Does it smell like this?" You quickly put out the flame. Here nobody turns it off.

I tell you: the fire mentioned in the Bible does not mean torment of conscience. Fire is fire! It is to be understood literally what he said: «Away from me, damn you, in the eternal fire! ». Literally.

«How can the spirit be touched by material fire? You will ask. How can your soul suffer on earth when you put your finger on the flame? In fact it does not burn the soul; yet what torment the whole individual feels!

In a similar way we are spiritually related to fire here, according to our nature and according to our faculties. Our soul is deprived of its natural

wing beat; we cannot think what we want or how we want. Don't be surprised by these words of mine. This state, which says nothing to you, burns me without consuming me.

Our greatest torment consists in knowing with certainty that we will never see God.

How can this torment so much, since one on earth remains so indifferent?

As long as the knife lies on the table, it leaves you cold. You see how sharp it is, but you don't feel it. Dip the knife in the meat and you will start screaming in pain.

Now we feel the loss of God; before we only thought it.

Not all souls suffer equally.

With how much more evil and the more systematically one has sinned, the more serious the loss of God weighs on him and the more the creature he has abused suffocates him.

Damned Catholics suffer more than those of other religions, because they mostly received and trampled more. thanks and more light.

Those who knew more, suffer more severely than those who knew less.

Those who sinned through malice suffer more acutely than those who fell out of weakness.

Nobody ever suffers more than he deserved. Oh, if this were not true, I would have a reason to hate!

You told me one day that nobody goes to hell without knowing it: this would have been revealed to a saint.

I laughed. But then you will trench me behind this statement.

"So, in case of need, there will be enough time to make a" turn ", I said to myself secretly.

That saying is correct. Actually, before my sudden end, I didn't know what hell is like. No mortal knows it. But I was fully aware of it: "If you die, go into the world beyond as straight as an arrow against God. You will bear the consequences."

I did not turn back, as I said, because dragged by the current of habit. Driven by that. conformity whereby men, the older they get, the more they act in the same direction.

My death happened like this.

A week ago I speak according to your calculation, because compared to the pain, I could say very well that I have already been ten years since I burned in hell a week ago, therefore, my husband and I went on a Sunday trip, the last one for me.

The day had dawned radiant. I felt better than ever. A sinister feeling of happiness invaded me, which wound through me throughout the day.

When suddenly, on the way back, my husband was dazzled by a flying car. He lost control.

"Jesses" (*), he ran away from my lips with a shiver. Not as a prayer, only as a cry.

(*) Crippling of Jesus, frequently used among some German-speaking populations.

An excruciating pain compressed me completely. In comparison with that present a bagatella. Then I passed out.

Strange! Inexplicably, that thought arose in me that morning: "You could once again go to Mass." It sounded like an entreaty.

Clear and resolute, my "no" cut the thread of thoughts. «With these things we must end once. All the consequences are on me! ». Now I bring them.

You know what happened after my death. The fate of my husband, that of my mother, what happened to my corpse and the conduct of my funeral are known to me in their details through natural knowledge that we have here.

Moreover, what happens on earth we know only nebulously. But what somehow affects us closely, we know. So I also see where you stay.

I myself woke up suddenly from the dark at the instant of my passing. I saw myself as flooded by a dazzling light.

It was in the same place where my corpse lay. It happened as in a theater, when the lights suddenly go out in the hall, the curtain divides loudly and an unexpected, horribly illuminated scene opens. The scene of my life.

As in a mirror my soul showed itself to me. The graces trampled from youth until the last "no" before God.

I felt like a murderer, to whom, during the judicial process, his lifeless victim is brought before him. Repent? Never! Ashamed? Never!

But I couldn't even resist before the eyes of God, rejected by me. Not

I only had one thing left: escape. As Cain fled from Abel's corpse, so my soul was pushed away by that sight of horror.

This was the particular judgment: the irreducible Judge said: "Get away from me! ». Then my soul, like a yellow shadow of sulfur, fell into the place of eternal torment.

In the morning, at the sound of the Angelus, still trembling with the frightening night, I got up and ran up the stairs to the chapel.

My heart was throbbing right down my throat. The few guests, kneeling near rne, looked at me; but maybe they thought I was so excited about the run down the stairs.

A good-natured lady from Budapest, who had observed me, said after smiling:

Miss, the Lord wants to be served calmly, not in a hurry!

But then he realized that something else had excited me and still kept me agitated. And while the lady addressed me other good words, I thought: God alone is enough for me!

Yes, he alone must suffice me in this and the other life. I want one day to be able to enjoy it in Paradise, for how many sacrifices it can cost me on earth. I don't want to go to hell!


1. Do not hide some sin out of shame or fear.

2. Do you want to know what are the sins that the devil has hidden in Confession or confess badly? They are the shortcomings committed against the sixth commandment, that is, the bad thoughts, the shameful speeches, the bad deeds.

3. Do you believe that only sincerity is required to confess you well? In addition to this, the pain of sins is necessary, the main condition for forgiveness. Pain is the internal displeasure of sins committed, which makes one propose not to sin anymore.

If you confess without pain, you do not receive forgiveness.

4. The pain thermometer is the purpose, that is, the will to flee the next opportunities of sin. Therefore, if you confess and you do not have the resolute will to end a near opportunity of grave sin, in that case you commit a sacrilege.

5. Do you have anything to reproach yourself about the Confessions?

6. If necessary, what are you waiting for to remedy it? Woe to you if you always postpone this arrangement! You may not have the time.

7. If you have conscientious tricks, introduce yourself to the Minister of God and say to him: Father, help me to put the accounts of my soul in order!

1. Prepare yourself from the previous day to bring to Jesus: acts of charity, obedience ... and small sacrifices.

2. Before communicating, ask for forgiveness for all the small deficiencies and promise to avoid them. 3. Revive the faith, thinking that the Consecrated Host is Jesus, alive and true.

4. Upon receiving Holy Communion, your body becomes a Tabernacle.

Many Angels are around you.

5. Don't get distracted! Offer each Holy Communion to repair the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pray for the enemies, for the sinners, for the dying and the souls of Purgatory. Pray especially for Consecrated Persons.

6. Promise Jesus to avoid some particular deficiency or to do some good work.

7. When you can, do not leave the Church unless about a quarter of an hour passes.

8. Whoever approaches you throughout the day must realize that you have made Holy Communion.

Prove it with sweetness and a good example.

9. During the day repeat: Jesus, I thank you that you have come to my soul today!

St. Alphonsus, Doctor of the Holy Church, says: «If God immediately punished those who offend him, he would certainly not see himself injured as we now see; but since the Lord does not immediately chastise, sinners take heart to sin more. it is good to know, however, that God does not always wait and endure; just as he keeps the number of days of life fixed for each man, so he also determines the number of sins that he wants to forgive each one: to one hundred, to ten, to one. There are those who found themselves in Hell for one sin.

How many live in sin for many years! But when the number of sins set by God ends, they are caught by death and go to Hell. "

Christian soul, do not add sin to sin! You say: God is merciful! And yet, with all this mercy, how many go to Hell every day!