How does the church behave towards the media?

How does the church against the medium? All the means of communication are very important for society, and therefore also for Catholic social ethics. Since the Vatican Council and in particular with the teachings of the Pope John Paul II and the testimony of his attitude towards journalists and communicators, the Church underlined his positive vision towards the media.

At the same time, he continually asks for discernment, since "even the world of the mass media needs the redemption of Christ". We can talk about a'ethics of the media? Who would it be responsible? When it comes to ethical issues of the media, the church looks primarily at the people who work in the media rather than the "tools" of communication social.

It makes sense to talk about morality only when free choice is involved; therefore it is not the tools, but what people make of them the primary ethical concern. Accordingly, we can talk about the moral duties of various groups: producers media - such as journalists, screenwriters, directors, photographers, editors, etc: but also owners of media; public authorities; and also the responsibilities of media users. Although people talk about "average" doing this or that is not a blind force of nature beyond human control.

How does the church in comparisons of the medium? The Church promotes the freedom di password? Yes. The Church supports freedom of speech, which is closely related to freedom of religion. If one is without the other, they become meaningless, a merely formal and apparent freedom. Both freedom of speech and freedom of religion are threatened in today's society, especially by religious extremists and intolerant relativism. Are there any limits to free speech? As has been said for freedom of religion and conscience, “the just limits of the exercise of religious freedom.

How does the church behave towards the media and social networks?

Why is social media different from other media communication? Social media and other new technologies pose new challenges to human culture as they are shaping personal relationships and changing family and social relationships: Today, modern media, which are an essential part of especially people's lives. young, they can be both a help and an obstacle to communication within and between families

The media can be an obstacle if they become a way to avoid listening to others, to evade physical contact, to fill every moment with silence and rest, so as to forget that "silence is an integral element of communication; in its absence, words rich in content cannot exist ”Were the words of Benedict XI. Media can help communication when it allows people to share their stories, keep in touch with distant friends, thank others or ask for theirs. forgiveness and to open the door to new encounters. As we grow daily in our awareness of the vital importance of meeting others, we will use the tech wisely, rather than letting ourselves be dominated by it. Here too i Parents they are the main educators, but they cannot be left to themselves.