How to pray to avoid war in Ukraine

"We ask the Lord with insistence that that land can see fraternity flourish and overcome divisions": he writes Papa Francesco in a tweet released by his @pontifex account, in which he adds: “May the prayers that today rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of those responsible on earth”. Peace in Ukraine and throughout Europe is threatened, the Pope invites us to pray that war in Ukraine can be avoided.

Prayer to avoid war in Ukraine

The world of the Catholic Church is moving to create a network of intercession and prayers to avoid war in Ukraine, an event that seems ever closer and possible but we know that everything is possible for those who believe: God can stop the war and every attack of the enemy from its beginning.

Through his account @pontifex Pope Francis wrote: “May the prayers that rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of those responsible on earth today”, he invites us to pray for fraternity and peace in this European region.

The prelates invite us to pray like this, uniting us with the intentions of the Pope: “Almighty God, You bless your people with peace. May your peace, given in Christ, bring calm to the tensions that threaten security in Ukraine and on the European continent. Instead of walls of division and confrontation, may seeds of goodwill, mutual respect and human fraternity be planted and nurtured.

Give wisdom, we pray, to all parties and those with responsibilities in the international community, as they seek to put an end to ongoing tensions, embracing the path of reconciliation and peace through dialogue and constructive cooperation. With Mary, the Mother of Peace, we implore you, O Lord, to awaken your people to pursue the path of peace, mindful of the words of Jesus: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God". Amen.