Can Dogs See Demons? The experience of an exorcist

Many people who have had an experience of evil infestation they claim that their dogs have also noticed demons.

But is it really so? Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, In its Diary of an exorcist, clarified this aspect.

“A man called me - said the religious - to tell me that his house was haunted. The previous owner did sinful things and dark rituals there. It didn't surprise me, therefore, that he had inherited the demons ”.

And again: "The house had all the typical signs of infestation, such as sudden drops in temperature, shadows, moving objects, strange sounds and more".

According to the exorcist, “one of the first signs was that the family dog ​​began to bark in an uncontrollable and unusual way. It was not the normal dog barking but something high-pitched and alarming. The dog was clearly sensing something dangerously evil. "

"Some dogs see demons - explained the priest - I don't know if everyone does it but there are many stories of dogs discovering demons and barking uncontrollably. In the famous book The Brownsville Road Demon, the family dog ​​would stop outside its owners' room at night and stay alert, barking fiercely as the demon approached. We ourselves may know a dog in our area that can hear demons and bark alarmingly when one of them approaches. Although animals cannot repel demons, they can act as sentinels ”.

Dogs, in short, can protect their loved ones: “I remember that in an exorcism session the demon complained of being treated like a dog. My response: 'I would not use the name of these beloved creatures and not compare you to them. They are loyal, faithful and kind. You are none of these things. You don't deserve to be called a dog, ”said the exorcist.

ALSO READ: "I'll tell you why demons hate entering a Catholic Church."