The tasks that Our Lady of Medjugorje has given to the six visionaries


On October 7 Mirjana was interviewed by a group from Foggia:
D - Mirjana, do you continue to see the Madonna regularly?
A - Yes, Our Lady always appears to me on March 18th and the 2nd of every month. By March 18 he told me that his appearance will last a lifetime; those of the 2nd of the month do not know when they will end. These are very different from those that I had together with the other visionaries until Christmas 1982. While the other visionaries the Madonna appears at a fixed time (17,45), I don't know when you arrive: I begin to pray around 5 of the morning; sometimes the Madonna appears in the afternoon or even at night. They are different apparitions also for the duration: those of the visionaries from 3 to 8 minutes; mine on the 2nd of the month, 15 to 30 minutes.
Our Lady prays with me for unbelievers, indeed she never says so, but "For those who have not yet known the love of God". For this intention, she asks for the help of all of us, that is, of those who feel her as Mother, because she says that we can change non-believers through our prayer and our example. In fact, in this difficult time, you want us to pray first of all for non-believers, because all the bad things that happen today (wars, murders, suicides, divorces, abortions, drugs) are caused by non-believers. Therefore he repeats: "When you pray for them, you also pray for yourself and for your future". He also wants us to set an example, not so much by going around preaching, as by witnessing with our lives, so that non-believers can see God and the love of God in us.
For my part, please take it seriously: if you could see even once the tears that fall on the face of the Madonna, when she speaks of non-believers, I am sure you would pray with all my heart. She says this is a time of decision, therefore we who say we believe in God have a great responsibility, knowing that our prayers and sacrifices for non-believers dry the tears of Our Lady.
D - Can you tell us about the last apparition?
A - On October 2nd I started praying at 5 in the morning and the Madonna appeared at 7,40 and remained until 8,20. He blessed the objects presented, then we started to pray a Pater and a Gloria (obviously you don't say the Ave Maria) for the sick and for those who entrusted themselves to my prayers. We spent the rest of the time praying for non-believers. He did not give any message.
Q - Does all visionaries ask to pray for non-believers?
A - No, everyone asked
to pray for a particular intention: I have already said to me; to Vicka and Jakov for the sick; in Ivanka for families; to Marija for the souls of purgatory; to Ivan for young people and priests.
Q - What prayers do you make with Mary for non-believers?
A - On the 2nd of the month I pray with Our Lady some prayers that she herself taught me and that only Vicka and I know.
D - In addition to non-believers, has Our Lady also spoken to you about those who profess other religious faiths?
A - No. Our Lady speaks only of believers and non-believers and says that non-believers are those who do not feel God as Father and the Church as their home.
D - How do you see the Madonna on the 2nd of the month?
A - Normally, as I now see each of you. Other times I hear only his voice, but it is not an internal phrase; I feel it like when one speaks to you without being seen. I never hear in advance if I will see her or if I will only hear her voice.
D - How come after the apparition you cry so much?
A - When I am with the Madonna and I see her face, it seems to me that I am in paradise. When it suddenly disappears, I feel a painful detachment. For this reason, immediately afterwards I need to be alone in prayer for a few more hours to recover a little and find myself again, to realize that my life must continue here on earth.
D - What are the messages on which Our Lady now insists more
A - Always the same. One of the most frequent is the invitation to participate in the Holy Mass not only on Sunday, but as often as possible. He once said to us six visionaries: "If you have Mass at the hour of the apparition, without hesitation choose the Holy Mass, because in the Holy Mass my son Jesus is with you". He also asks for fasting; the best is bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays. He asks for the Rosary and above all that the family returns to the Rosary. In this regard he said: “There isn't
nothing that can unite more parents and children than the Rosary prayer recited together ". Then he wants us to approach confession once a month. He once said: "There is not a single man on earth who does not need to confess once a month." Then he asks that we return to the Bible, at least one small passage from the Gospel a day; but it is absolutely necessary that the united family read the Word of God and reflect together. The Bible should then be placed in a clearly visible place in the house.
D - What can you tell us about the secrets?
A - First of all, a visible sign will appear on the hill of the apparitions and it will be understood that it comes from God, because it cannot be done by human hand. For now only Ivanka and I know the 10 secrets; the other visionaries have received 9. None of these concern my personal life, but they are for the whole world. Our Lady made me choose a priest (I chose P. Petar Ljubicic ') to whom 10 days before the secret is realized, I will have to say where and what will happen. Together we will have to pray and fast for 7 days; then 3 days before he will reveal the secret to everyone: he will have to do it.
Q - If you have this task regarding secrets, does it mean that they will all be realized in the course of your life?
A - No, it is not said. I have written the secrets and it may be up to another person to reveal them. But on this I would like to tell you what Our Lady often repeats: “Don't talk about secrets, but pray. Because whoever feels me as Mother and God as Father must not fear anything. And don't forget that with prayer and fasting you can get everything. "