The devils deposit so many thoughts in the mind ...

the request for signs is often repeated by the most unbelieving Christians or with a dancing faith, but even the most mature ones do so when they are subjected to some test. There is a question that paralyzes faith in jesus christ: where is god? of similar questions they say different: why doesn't Jesus help me? what is my prayer for? bad people have no problems and I always have proofs ... I have already pointed out that bad people already live their inner hell, they also have more problems than good Christians, but cowardly they do not face them, they create others with a miserable life but apparently carefree and worldly, or they find diversions to deceptively "forget" them. And how bad people have great suffering. the good ones receive the reward at the very moment of the good they do, and it is the beginning of many rewards that Jesus and Our Lady have prepared and they will not fail them.

I reveal to you a disconcerting aspect of satan's activity. All the wicked of the world, even Christians who have abandoned their faith and have fallen into evil attitudes, are "protected" from devils, and it is an evil protection that must free them from any obstacles in their evil conduct, for them to continue to perform wickedness, to follow evil and then definitively fall into perdition. We know a few characters who have diabolical characteristics due to their unfair and cruel actions, people who are discovered even publicly in their diabolical works, yet the devils "protect" them and manage to get them out unscathed from the proven accusations, to make them in the roles of high responsibility they cover. The devils give protections to the corrupt and the bad to destroy the good and "block" the good, to sow great weeds in the field of the world and exalt evil as good. they want in the command posts those who are in some way subjugated by the satanic spirit and make them take decisions that are contrary to the people, little or much. Even in the best people but confused because they are distant from Jesus, the devils cause the suspension of honest and coherent reflection.

The devils deposit many inspirations in the mind and the person is convinced to reflect, to conduct elaborations to arrive at a better choice. Without a strong spirituality, choices opposed to common sense and truth are made, it is very difficult to realize that often the inspirer and the manipulator is Satan. discernment is needed, but how many are followed by a spiritual father who prays? Many characters may have an authoritative appearance or are famous in their profession, but they never come to understand that there is a real governor in their mind with the classic light and incisive hiss that always inspires the opposite of good. it is Satan who even hides himself even in good intentions to obtain significant or final harm to the person. This explains the errors of evaluation even in the most trivial situations in the life of many professionals and graduates, such as in simple people. Scientists, doctors, lawyers, politicians, professionals and ordinary people, all can make big mistakes on the important choices due to the excessive trust placed in the thoughts that are found in the mind, they welcome them with excessive confidence and believe they have the best solutions, while the mind is visited by devils in the most important moments.

without the spiritual path and also a guide to turn to for discernment, many follow the thoughts that are found in the mind, they act out of recklessness, there is always a dominant thought that guides them and very often they execute the opposite of the truth. In the choices of every professional, an employee, a student, a housewife, etc., there are aspects that must be evaluated without the lived experience, without the received instruction and in these circumstances one can guess or damage is obtained. also relevant. those who deceive themselves to understand the reality that is presented before them are most often deceived by devils. Many have the stubborn belief that they are doing everything right! There is space to make room in the soul, with sincerity we must evaluate the harmful presence of many useless interests to eliminate them as soon as possible. We do not need signs like the Pharisees, we are strongly convinced that Jesus is always near and wishes to give us continuous graces.
The Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign and he did not give it, it was useless to give it to them, their very request contained a premeditation. The trust that is placed in Jesus does not need signs. Jesus is not happy when his presence is doubted in some way, and it is true that doubt and human attitude push him away. he acts where there is real hope in him and the effort of denial to leave the old and pagan mentality. Only God possesses the perfect knowledge of everything, only he can transmit it to those who live in profound communion with him and become capable by participation of giving precise and often surprising advice. always centered and sure as the saints did. We must be reborn again in the spirit of God and we must empty the soul of what is opposite to good! whoever decides to do so is a new person.