Saints devoted to St. Joseph: devotion of St. Teresa of Avila!

Throughout the history of the Church, many saints have had a special devotion to St. Joseph, crediting him for many answered prayers and for their personal growth in holiness. Read below some testimonies on the power of St. Joseph's intercession. St. Teresa of Avila In her autobiography, the holy Carmelite mystic and reformer sings the praises of her holy father, St. Joseph, and gives proof of his powerful intercession:

“I took the glorious St. Joseph as my patron and lord and I sincerely recommended myself to him. I saw clearly that both for this present problem of mine, and for others of greater importance, relating to my honor and the loss of my soul. This my father and my lord handed me over and rendered me greater services than I knew how to ask for. I can't remember ever asking him at any time for anything he didn't concede; and I am full of amazement when I consider the great favors that God has given me through this blessed saint; the dangers from which he freed me, both of body and soul.

To other saints, our Lord seems to have given the grace to help men in some special need but to this glorious saint, I know from experience, that he helps us in everything. And our Lord would like us to understand that because He himself was subject to him on earth. Since St. Joseph had the title of father and was his guardian, he could command it.

I wish I could persuade all men to be devoted to this glorious saint; for I know from long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God. I have never known anyone who was truly devoted to him, and who honored him with special services, who did not visibly grow more and more in virtue; since he helps in a special way those souls who recommend themselves to him.