The patron saints of Europe (prayer for peace between nations)

I patron saints of Europe are spiritual figures who contributed to the Christianization and protection of countries. One of the most important patron saints of Europe is Saint Benedict of Nursia, proclaimed patron saint of Europe in 1964 by Pope Paul VI. Saint Benedict founded the Order of Saint Benedict, thus contributing to the development of Europe and its countries.

patrons of Europe

There are other highly venerated patron saints of Europe Santa Caterina from Siena, proclaimed patron saint of Europe in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. Bridget of Sweden, Cyrill and Methodius, evangelizing brothers of the Slavic peoples and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.

In Italy, the patron saints are Saint Francis of Assisi and Santa Caterina from Siena. Saint Francis was the protagonist of a great change in the Church and in the life of Italians thanks to his choice of service to the Church in poverty. Saint Catherine of Siena, however, contributed to the rthe pontiff's return to Rome after the Avignon captivity.

In France, the patron saint is Saint Joan of Arc, famous for her exploits in war and for having helped recover part of the French territories occupied by England during the Hundred Years' War. In Germany, San Michele Arcangelo is one of the patron saints, while in Poland, Holy Mary is considered the main protector.

Cyril and Methodius

In Spain, the saints are there Madonna del Pilar, the Immaculate Conception, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint James. In Portugal, the main patron saint is Saint Anthony of Padua. In UK, there are different patron saints depending on the nations, such as Saint David for Wales and Saint George for Wales'England.

These patron saints have contributed to shape European history and are still revered and celebrated today as figures of protection and inspiration. Their contributions to the Church and the world have had a lasting impact on the culture and spirituality of European countries

Prayer to the patron saints of Europe

O patron saints of Europe, guardians of peoples and nations, turnl Your loving gaze about us. Saint Benedict, protector of monks, guide us on the path of wisdom and peace. Saint Catherine of Alexandria, inspire us in the fight for truth and justice. Saint George, defend us from the forces of evil and protect us from danger. Santa Brigida, teach us to live in charity and love towards others. We are a people united in diversity, we address to you our confident prayer, so that Europe can find the path to a free, just and united life in everyone's hearts. Amen.