On August 15th Saint Anthony of Padua was born, let's invoke him with this plea to receive a grace

On August 15th Saint Anthony of Padua was born, let's invoke him with this plea to receive a grace

Remember, dear Saint Anthony, that you have always helped and consoled anyone who has come to you in their needs.

Animated by great confidence and by the certainty of not praying in vain, I too have recourse to you, who are so rich in

you deserve before the Lord. Do not refuse my prayer, but make it come, with your intercession, to the throne of God.

Come to my aid in the present distress and necessity, and obtain for me the grace that I ardently implore, if it is for the good of my soul ...

Bless my work and my family: keep diseases and dangers of soul and body away from it. Grant that in the hour of pain and trial I may remain strong in the faith and love of God. Amen.