The advice of today 11 September 2020 of Sant'Agostino

St. Augustine (354-430)
bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and doctor of the Church

Explanation of the Sermon from the Mount, 19,63
The straw and the beam
In this passage the Lord warns us against rash and unjust judgment; he wants us to behave with a simple heart, turned only to God. There are in fact many actions whose motive escapes us and, therefore, it would be foolhardy to judge them. The most adept at judging recklessly and blaming others are those who prefer to condemn rather than correct and restore good; this trend is a sign of pride and meanness. (…) A man, for example, sins out of anger and you reproach him with hatred; but between anger and hatred there is the same difference that exists between the straw and the beam. Hate is an inveterate anger which, over time, has assumed such dimensions as to deserve the name of beam. It can happen that you get angry in an attempt to correct; but hatred never corrects (…) First remove hatred from you and only later will you be able to correct the one you love.