Today's advice September 17, 2020 from an anonymous Syriac author

An anonymous XNUMXth century Syriac author
Anonymous homilies on the sinner, 1,
"Her many sins are forgiven"
The love of God, out in search of sinners, is proclaimed to us by a sinful woman. Because by calling her, Christ was calling our entire race to love; and in his person, he attracted all sinners to his forgiveness. He spoke to her, but he invited the whole creation to his grace. (...)

Who could not be reached by the mercy of Christ if he, to save a sinner, accepted the invitation of a Pharisee? Because of that woman hungry for forgiveness, she personally wants to be hungry for the table of Simon the Pharisee, while under the appearances of a table of bread, he had prepared, for the sinner, the table of repentance. (...)

So that you can participate in the same table, you become aware that your sin is great; however to despair of forgiveness because your sin seems too great to you is blaspheming God and doing yourself wrong. Because if God has promised to forgive your sins no matter how numerous they were, you will perhaps tell him that you cannot believe him by declaring to him: “My sin is too great for you to forgive. Can't you cure me of my illnesses "? Stop it and cry out with the prophet: "I have sinned against you, Lord" (2 Sam 12:13). He will immediately reply: «I have forgiven your sin; you will not die ». To him be the glory, from us all for the centuries. Amen.

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