Today's advice 7 September 2020 by Melitone di Sardi

Melitone of Sardis (? - ca 195)

Homily on Easter
«The Lord God assists me, for this I will not be confused. Whoever does me justice is near; who will dare to contend with me? "(Is 50,7-8)
Christ was God, and He took our humanity. He suffered for those who suffer, he was bound for those who are defeated, he was judged for the condemned, buried for those who are buried, and rose from the dead. He shouts these words to you: “Who will dare to contend with me? Come close to me (Is 50, 8). I freed the condemned, I gave life to the dead, I raised the buried. Who disputes me? " (v.9) It is I, says Christ, who have abolished death, conquered the enemy, trampled on hell, bound the strong (Lk 11:22), kidnapped man in the highest heaven, it is I, he says Christ.

“Come therefore, all you peoples of men who were entangled in evil, receive the forgiveness of your sins. Because I am your forgiveness, I am the Passover of salvation, I am the lamb sacrificed for you. I am the water of your purification, I am your light, I am your Savior, I am your resurrection, I am your king. I take you with me to heaven, I will show you the Eternal Father, I will raise you up with my right hand. "

Such is he who made heaven and earth, fashioned man in the beginning (Gen 2,7: 1,8), announced himself in the Law and the prophets, took flesh in a Virgin, was crucified on wood, was laid on earth, raised from the dead, he ascended to heaven, sat on the right hand of the Father and has the power to judge everything and save everything. For him, the Father created everything that exists, from the beginning and forever. He is the alpha and the omega (Ap XNUMX), he is the beginning and the end (…), he is the Christ (…). To him be the glory and the power for ever. Amen.