The advice of Padre Pio to ask the Virgin Mary for help

Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, make you understand all that is contained in the great secret of suffering, carried with a Christian spirit.
May she obtain for you all the strength you need to climb the summit of Calvary with your cross.
Unfortunately, great strength is needed to follow this path, but be careful, because the Savior will never leave you alone or without his help. Lord Jesus, you gave me your mother as well as my mother.
O Mary, in my joys and sorrows, help me to echo your hymn of gratitude, please hold my hand at the foot of the Cross so as not to run away.


O Immaculate - Queen of heaven and earth - refuge of sinners and my very loving mother - to whom God wanted to entrust the economy of his mercy - to your most holy feet - I prostrate myself (.........) miserable sinner - begging you to accept everything being mine - as your thing and property. - I offer you my whole being - and my whole life: - everything I have - everything I love - everything I am: my body, - my heart - my soul - Let me understand - the will to God on me. - Allow me to rediscover my vocation as a Christian, - to see its immense beauty - and to understand the secrets of your Love. - I ask you to know how to get closer - more and more - to your Apostle and model - Father Kolbe - so that his doctrine and testimony - may shake - the deep fibers of my will and my heart - to faithfully follow in his footsteps - and become a guide to many souls - and all bring them to God - through Your Immaculate and grieved Heart. Amen.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate myself to You!