The advice of Padre Pio to invoke the help of the Guardian Angel

Before falling asleep, do an examination of conscience for the day just passed and pray to God.
Never forget your guardian angel who is always close to you, who never leaves you, no matter how badly you treat him. How many times, unfortunately, we made him cry especially when we refused to grant his desires which were also the desires of God!
Lord Jesus, it is impossible for me to show enough gratitude for the gift of my Guardian Angel, my faithful friend of all life and protector. Please give me the spiritual sensitivity to listen to the impulse of your holy angels.

CROWN to the SACRED HEART recited by SAN PIO

1. O my Jesus, who said "in truth I say to you, ask and you will obtain, seek and find, beat and it will be opened to you!", Here I beat, I seek, I ask for grace ... (to expose)

Pater, Ave, Glory.

- S. Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in You.

2. O my Jesus, who said "in truth I tell you, whatever you ask my Father in my name, He will grant you!", Here I ask your Father, in Your name, I ask for grace ... (to expose)

Pater, Ave, Glory.

- S. Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in You.

3. O my Jesus, who said "in truth I tell you, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words never!" here, supported by the infallibility of Your holy words, I ask for grace ... (to expose)

Pater, Ave, Glory.

- S. Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the unhappy, have mercy on us miserable sinners, and grant us the graces we ask of you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your and our tender Mother, St. Joseph, Putative Father of the S. Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Hello Regina.