The red thread

We should all at some point in our existence understand what life is. Sometimes someone asks this question in a superficial way, others instead go deeper but now in a few lines I try to give you some advice that are certainly worthy of faith, perhaps because of the experience accumulated or by the grace of God but before writing what I have to give a real sense to what you are reading now.

What is life?

First of all I can tell you that life has various senses but I now describe one that you should not underestimate.

Life is a red thread and like all textile garments it has an origin and an end as well as a continuum between the two.

In your existence you must never forget your origin where you come from. It will make you better at your present state or to improve yourself in your condition or to humble you, a virtue of the strong.

You must understand that in this red thread, so called to specify that nothing happens by chance but it is all tied together, things happen that have the right importance to make you appreciate those around you.

In this red thread you will find every ingredient.

You will spend moments of poverty so when you are well economically you will have to appreciate and help the poor you meet on your way.

You will spend moments of illness so when you are well you must appreciate and help the patient you meet on your way.

You will spend unhappy moments so when you are happy you must appreciate and help those who experience problems and encounters on your way.

Life is a red thread, it has an origin, a path, an end. In this process you will make all the necessary experiences you need to do and they will all be united and you yourself understand that one experience leads you to another and if you did that, another one could not happen. In short, everything tied together to make you appreciate every man and life itself.

So when you reach a pinnacle of your life and see in detail this red thread, then your origin, your experiences and the end of life itself then you will realize that there is no more precious gift than this, having understood the sense of being a man and being born.

In fact, if you go deeper you realize that your own life is guided by those who created you and only in this way will you also give a real meaning to your faith in God.

"The red thread". Don't forget these three simple words. If you do your daily meditation of the red thread you will do three important things: understand life, always be on the crest of the wave, be a man of faith. These three things will make you give maximum value to your life itself, thanks to the red thread.

Written by Paolo Tescione