The special bond of San Rocco with the dog symbol of solidarity.

Today we talk about San Rocco, the saint depicted with the dog. We will try to discover their story and understand how this relationship was and how it was born. Legend has it that this animal was his companion during his pilgrimage in Italy and France.

Saint Rocco and the dog

Who was San Rocco

According to tradition, San Rocco came from one noble family of France and after losing his parents, he decided to distribute his inheritance to the poor and to start a pilgrimage to Rome. During his journey, he met several sick and hungry people, whom he helped by assisting them and giving them a loaf of bread that he always carried with him. It was in this context that he met the dog that would accompany him for the rest of his life.

The San Rocco dog is described as an animal brave and loyal, who followed him wherever he went, protecting him from possible dangers and helping him in the distribution of alms. Furthermore, the dog is said to have had the power to reveal the presence of woodworms which infested the foods, preventing those who consumed them from falling ill.

the dog of San Rocco

Legend also tells of how San Rocco was struck by the plague during his mission to help the sick. While he was in isolation in the forest, the dog brought him food and water every day, keeping him alive. Thus, when San Rocco recovered from his illness, the dog is said to have saved his life.

The figure of the dog therefore becomes the symbol of solidarity with others and his dedication to caring for the sick. The representation of San Rocco with the dog is therefore used to draw attention to the need to help the poor and to take care of those who suffer.

La devotion for San Rocco and his dog spread throughout Europe in the following centuries, especially after the spread of black Plague in the fourteenth century. The figure of San Rocco became a patron against epidemics and the dog's representation of him a symbol of hope and overcoming disease.