The failure to liquefy the blood of San Gennaro: revealed the fourth world disaster

Failure to liquefy the blood di San Gennaro: fourth world disaster unveiled. therefore a bad omen: let's understand together what happens on the day of San Gennaro, patron saint of the city of Naples. Appalled throughout Italy for the failure to liquefy the blood of the Neapolitan saint or the blood of San Gennaro. San Gennaro did not liquefy in 2020 despite a long day of prayer, reports the Italian bishops' newspaper Avvenire. A vial containing what is said to be the dried blood of the patron saint of Naples is exhibited three times a year in the cathedral of Naples. city. As people gather to pray and witness its liquefaction. The event is known as the "Miracle of San Gennaro".

Failure to liquefy the blood of San Gennaro: December 16, 2020, the blood does not liquefy

December 16, 2020: the blood does not liquefy. But Wednesday did not happen despite hours of prayer in the morning and a special mass in the afternoon. This time around, fewer people than normal were allowed into the cathedral due to coronavirus restrictions. Many people in Naples, and in southern Italy in general are superstitious, consider the "miracle" a reassuring sign. But people get especially nervous if the blood doesn't liquefy on the saint's feast day, the September 19th. While it is still considered a bad sign, it is considered less serious on the other two occasions: the 16 December and the Saturday before the premiere Sunday in May.

Three disasters announced

Three disasters announced. Some (but not all) previous occasions in which the blood has not liquefied, bad news soon followed for Napoli and the rest of Italy. In September 1980 the miracle did not occur and two months later the Irpinia area, east of Naples, suffered a devastating earthquake that killed almost 3.000 people. The miracle also failed in 1939 and 1940, coinciding with the beginning of the Second World War and the entry into conflict of Italy, and again in September 1943: the date of the Nazi occupation of Italy.

Bishop Crescenzio Sepe: the fourth disaster

The Cardinal Sepe: the fourth disaster. The cardinal of the city, Crescenzio Sepe, last December tried to reassure people that "there has been no omen of disasters, epidemics, or wars: we are men and women of faith" so this is the fourth disaster but a miracle. He added: “Sand something needs to melt, it's people's hearts ". The Catholic Church supports the events, but has never issued a formal statement about the "miracle". However, it prohibited anyone, including scientists, from opening the sealed vial. Scientists, who claim that the substance in the sealed vial appears to be dried blood, cannot explain why it sometimes turns into liquid and sometimes it doesn't.